
Music and Streetfood for young and other Besucher – Basel

Music and Streetfood for young and other Besucher – Basel

Music, Creative Angebote, Workshops and Culinary Vielfalt: From 5. to 7. September find the Flâneur Festival in Basel statt. In those years, the transformation of the future begins.

Zahlreiche Aktivitäten und Aufführunge...everything that happened. | Photo: StadtKonzeptBasel

Zahlreiche Aktivitäten und Auführungen für Kinder en Erwachsene: Beim Flâneur Festival soll für alle Besucher wieder etwas dabei sein. Photo: StadtKonzeptBasel

In Kürze, the Elisabethenstrasse in Basel turns into an adventure resort for large and small. Die Vorbereitungen für das Flâneur Festival laufen bereits auf Hochtouren, schreibt der Veranstalter. I enjoyed 80,000 Menschen das Basler Street Festival for a year. And in those years, the Flâneur’s own people were created Fußgängerzone in the Wette Park and the Bankverein more than 150 local associations, bands and DJs.

The 300-meter-long festival area was its Begnungszone, its Danzfläche, its Shopping Mile and its Open-Air Restaurant, and thus its Announcement. There are 50 different ways to play Base Caps, make fabric bags, look at comics, experiment with cyanotype, play Pokémon, play a pub quiz or play origami. With a state of affairs there are the first years of Leihlager, Siech Cycles, Nouvel Eté, Freitag, der Ballonsalon Peng, de Kleine Schnecke, Mein Meisterwerk, Petite Ourse and ZiKaDe.

The Basel Art and Culture Institutions also include: the Theater Basel, the Kunsthalle, the Vorstadttheater, the Sinfonieorchester, the Basler Marionette Theatre, the Papiermühle, the Open Church Elisabethen, the Kunstmuseum, the Cartoon Museum, the Museum Tinguely, the Spielzeug Welten Museum and the Museum der Kulturen.

Culinary is for everyone – whether vegan, vegetarian or meat-loving – something. At the streetfood offer of the festival you can try new sweets and food trends or traditionally a bratwurst with Senf essence.

In addition to the local businesses and gastronomy establishments, the Live Music of the Flaneur Festivals is marked. Small and large music can be played at the festival and 35 bands and formations will be played in 30 minutes.

Freuen can show a man from the Veranstalter on a Wiedersehen with alten Bekannten with the Street Bandits, Collie Herb or Emilia Anastazja and a new girl with Rayla Blu, Rhea König or Deborah Monart, in the Anastasia. Many local music groups with Pyro, Fabe, Danini and Yves von Schwellheim or Tanja Dankner are busy with their work.

The musical palette consists of Lindy Hop, Country, Funk and Soul alongside Hip-Hop, Reggae, Electro Pop and Irish Folk with Dancehall and Jazz. Also Kinderlieder can be performed. If you see the music in the Getümmel, then you can listen to the music and music with the music and the music, while they plauderen and anstoßen können, writes the Veranstalter.

Whoever sits in the inner courtyard of the Hauses in Kirschgarten for a year with DJ sounds and bar spied, in the Elisabeth Church you will find an afterparty with the Balz-statt on Fridays and Saturdays.

New ist, the Festival am Freitag and Samstag starts at 16 o’clock. The free time is ideal for families, one of the most likely cultural and music bones in the atmosphere of the spirit. With its activities and activities for children and adults, the Flâneur Festival became an exciting experience for the whole family.

Das Flâneur Festival in Basel

That year, the Flâneur Festival in Basel is held from Thursday, September 5, to Saturday, September 7, in Elisabethenstrasse in Basel, in De Wette Park and the Bankverein statt.

  • Festival times: Donnerstag from 6 PM to 11 PM, Freitag and Samstag from 4 PM to 11 PM.
  • Program: Über 150 local events including retail, gastronomy, art and culture present in their own right with their customers, workshops and a glimpse behind the scenes. More information can be found at:
  • Music: 35 local bands and DJs on their stages.

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