
Mission “Polaris Dawn” starts – Kommerzielle Mission is erdfernsten Flug seit Apollo und riskingen Außeneinsatz durchführen

Mission “Polaris Dawn” starts – Kommerzielle Mission is erdfernsten Flug seit Apollo und riskingen Außeneinsatz durchführen

Record-breaking pioneer flight: Today the mission “Polaris Dawn” will begin – a humbling dream mission, the same number of pioneering achievements will be accomplished: You are the first manned flight above the lowest point of the Apollo mission in 50 years. The four astronauts went to work with an aircraft with an aircraft and new rockets from SpaceX. Financing by the whole of a US billionaire.

The trend is that the troublemakers fly in the air: If Boeing has a negative sail power with Starliner-Debakel, the first private company in the air is no longer active. Before SpaceX controls the Falcon-9-Trägerraketen in its entirety. You can no longer transport satellites, but then with the Dragon-Kapsel on the cargo and astronauts in NASA on the international space station.

Dragon Crew Hairstyle
The Dragon Capsule for Mission Polaris Dawn before launch from Startramp 39A at Cape Canaveral. © SpaceX /CC-by-nc-nd 2.0

The mission and its assignment

Today at 09:30 Uhr our Dragon-Kapsel starts from Cape Canaveral with all – that last time in a completely private mission. The flow is the part of the American billionaire Jared Isaacman who started and financed the “Polaris Dawn” programs. In the experiment carried out by SpaceX, four amateur astronauts are tested with new technologies, while medical experiments are also carried out in all experiments. “After I have spent more years of training, you can start the mission that you can start,” Isaacman said.

The commander of the Polaris-Dawn-Fluges is Isaacman himself, who as a Civil and Military pilot hat is a soldier at a private space flight in the entire war. Other crew members have performed the following missions: mission pilot Scott is supposed to work in the US-Air Force for 20 years, both mission specialists Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon are both leading engineers at SpaceX.

A livestream of Polaris Dawn Starts will be available on SpaceX’s website and will X transfer.

So we know that Apollo is no more

If you go further: Otherwise as private private space flights that the Polaris-Dawn-Mission no longer have in the suborbital Raum or new Erdorbit flight, it flies higher. If you have an elliptical orbit, it is an altitude of 1,400 kilometers. This altitude is the end of the Apollo-Mondflüge for a run of 50 years, but the Weltraumflug is more reicht.

Since the Crew no longer has a new space flight action, the Flughöhe is a practical Gründe. At around 1,000 kilometers in height, the first of the Earth’s two radiation tunnels began, the inner Van Allen tunnel. In these racing energy-rich protons at a high speed between the poles and her. Astronauts who follow these passions in the zone can perform a higher radiation load expansion.

Polaris Dawn Crew
The four astronauts of the first Polaris-Dawn-Fluges. © SpaceX /CC-by-nc-nd 2.0

Close to all air travel

A new premiere of Polaris Dawn Mission is the first Weltraumspaziergang of a commerical crew – and it brings with it another risk: The Dragon capsule has no airlock. If it goes well in the world, it could be that the interior of the space is opened. All devices, electronics and people on the board are all equipped with a compartment. In the foreground, intensive tests are carried out in a vacuum chamber – a training that trains you, but also to avoid harmful gas emissions from materials.

The four astronauts were in a 700 kilometer high stattfindenden Außeneinsatz new Raumanzüge von SpaceX testing. When the Luke offensives got this tragedy, the air pressure in the interior of the box was completely restored. When the time of the oxygen fanteil in the Atemluft der Raumanzüge all high, there is an effect with the high power of the prevention.

When the inside of the window case is opened, it is put out of use. Two Besatzungsmitglieder, Missionskommandant Jared Isaacman and Board Engineer Sarah Gillis, then became the Raumkapsel-verlassen and free in all schweben – nur über Seile and Leitungen with der Kapsel-verbunden.

Test for laser communication and meditation experiments

When the executed Polaris mission is carried out, the astronauts are tested on a new tested communication art. These are the laser beams of the Dragon capsule and the satellites of the Starlink constellation in the air stream. The optical data transmission is done by the communication in the well-being of devices and devices. If NASA and ESA have carried out the first tests that have carried out a laser connection with each other, this can be a problem at Raumsonden in everything.

The Work Program of the Polaris-Dawn-Besatzung was carried out during 40 experiments, in which the results were carried out in the medical research. These questions come from the world of welfare flights, especially in high altitudes, to bring forward. “We hope that the results of our Mission will be achieved by us, the Vision of a multi-planetary species will be set up more quickly”, so Isaacman. “MIT has the Mission wanted with the inspiring, inspiring and provocative people, everything here on the Earth and in the Worlds has done our own things.”

Source: Polaris Dawn, SpaceX

27. August 2024 – Nadja Podbregar