
New Portfolio: The US Commercial Bank in the 2024 Quarter | 27.08.24

New Portfolio: The US Commercial Bank in the 2024 Quarter | 27.08.24

In the summer of 2024, the commercial bank developed a new portfolio in its portfolio for US equity investments. These were the seven largest positions in the depot.

Institutional investors, who have earned the value of 100 million dollars in dollars, have been required by the US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to report on their investments every three months. This arrangement is gilded for Commerzbank, as the Frankfurter Bank ended up in a value of 3.03 billion US dollars in the US in the quarter of 2024. You should consult the Commerzbank of the 13F-Formular with the SEC.

I follow the ranking as the American Aktiengeführt, who four years later spent the most time in the Depot of the Commerzbank. The status is on June 30, 2024.

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