
Ich nahm 45 Kilo ab – dit drei einfachen Rezepte halfen mir

Ich nahm 45 Kilo ab – dit drei einfachen Rezepte halfen mir

Ich nahm 45 Kilo ab – dit drei einfachen Rezepte halfen mir

Benji Xavier has eaten his favourite foods, a pride of his können.
DK Publishing

Benji Xavier has 45 kilograms of weight, including the original version and the favorite contents.

There may be a heavy weight attached to it and it may become an evil.

There are too many tortilla wraps that are salad and lasagna noodles that are eggplant, to reduce the calorie count.

This is a machine that contains an article that comes from the US colleagues of Business Insider. There is an automatic processing and a real editing task.

Benji Xavier has taken in more than 45 kilograms in a year, in the meantime he has reviewed diets and has made healthier, self-purchased versions of his favourite foods available to him. There is a large amount of living material, one of the reasons for the lingering – and it makes up for it that there are more words if that is the case.

Because it is a strict issue and the Australian American lebensmittel group has the idea that it is a unique and with an unhealthy inspiration of Essen, says Xavier, a 28-year-old Content Creator from New Jersey, in August 2021, almost ready. As Business Insider knows that the Lektionen of Abnehmen are wrong.

In high school, Xavier quickly gained 45 kilograms, after all, since his methods were “nicht nachhaltig”, he said: “I was very happy with his toxic diet culture”, he said.

Let also

Personal Trainer at work: These 3 simple, protein-rich recipes are tasty and easy to prepare

Xavier’s Experience is with most people, the schwierigkeiten have, their weight stopped long ago: Restrictive Diets do not work. In an article from the year 2021 in „Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome“ the long-awaited research of the diet with keto and high-protein diet is not possible and is it one of the best strategies for weight management: „The best diet for weight management It is a thing that takes a long time before it can, it is difficult.

The little bit that Xavier has on a balanced Ernährung with a Kaloridefizit, and its function: “My installation is so good, that it was changed, and that it went much better. It is no longer that you have a problem, if you want that, you say. There are a set of three recipes from his coming cookbook “The Rebel Diet” vor.

Nichola Ludlam-Raine, researcher and author of “How Not To Eat Ultra-Processed,” said that the recipes are sound-foody, high-fat and rich in protein and healthy fat. “These are for the Muskelerhalt where a Fettabbau phase is a problem and a tragedy of a good bowel feeling,” she explained. Once you’ve found the filling or the refining carbohydrate with quinoa, you can use the reis or the whole grain nudele, one of the ingredients you can’t use.


Xavier prepared Rindfleisch und Nudeln by Putenfleisch und Auberginen ersetzt, a lasagna en was gesünder zu machen.

Xavier prepared Rindfleisch und Nudeln by Putenfleisch und Auberginen ersetzt, a lasagna en was gesünder zu machen.
DK Publishing

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Ergibt: six servings

Serving size: one piece

Accuracy per portion:

Calories: 410

Total weight: 25 grams

Carbohydrate intake: 19 grams

Protein: 30 grams

Power supply:

  • two medium sized eggplants
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ Teelöffel schwarzer Pfeffer
  • Cooking with olive oil
  • a large haddock
  • two buttons hacked
  • 450 grams of lean Putenhackfleisch
  • ½ Teelöffel getrockneter oregano
  • ½ teaspoon paprika
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • a 700 gram glass of Marinara sauce
  • two bags with freshly chopped mozzarella


  1. Cut the eggplants of the length next to each other in two centimeter squares. Place the paper on the paper and the best you can do with salt. 15 minutes through the paper and remove the remaining paper tissue.
  2. Heizt den Ofen at 400 Grad vor. A 20x30cm back mold can be lightened with olive spray, sprayed and set to size.
  3. Wrap the eggplants with salt and pepper and then lightly spray with olive oil spray. A large Bratpfanne at mittlerer bis hoher Hitze vorheizen. The eggplants were fried in the Pfanne night and day and for three minutes, but they turned out like this. If it is separated after half of the Garvorgangs, a sicherzustellen, both Seiten gar sind and the Scheiben auf both Seiten leicht gebräunt sind. Make your own mind up.
  4. The Gleiche Pfanne with sister olive oil spray is easy to pour and die in well-painted Schalotte and the Knoblauch hinzufügen. Anbraten for two minutes and then the putenhackfleisch hinzugeben. With oregano, paprika and chili powder, stir, stir, then stir the marinara sauce and stir. Weitergaren, bis das Putenfleisch gar ist, etwa zölf Minuten, dabei with a Holzlöffel das Fleisch auflockern.
  5. Eine Schicht Auberginescheiben (etwa four) op de Boden der vorbereiteten Auflaufform-legen. Serve with a Schicht Fleischsauce and then a Schicht geriebener Mozzarella, jewels and a Drittel davon. Another Schicht Aubergine and then a new Schicht Fleischsoße and a Schicht Mozzarella are eaten. Leave a layer of eggplant and the rest of the mozzarella underneath. Continue for 35 minutes until the cheese has become lighter. In sechs gleichgroße Portions cut.
  6. Rest in an air-conditioned environment to ensure safe storage for four days.

Stuffed Pepper Shots with Hähnchen-Fajita

These stuffed peppers can be cooked in 45 minutes.

These stuffed peppers can be cooked in 45 minutes.
DK Publishing

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Ergibt: two servings

Portionsgröße: four halves

Accuracy per portion:

Calories: 558

Total weight: 21 grams

Total carbohydrates: 1 gram

Protein: 63 grams

Power supply:

  • an olive oil essloffel
  • a medium-sized gelbe Zwiebel, gewürfelt
  • a half-sized Kilo Hühnerbrust ohne Knochen, in medium-sized Stücke geschnitten
  • an Esslöffel Hühner bouillon-Granulat
  • two Esslöffel Chili powder
  • a tea light holder
  • a Teelöffel Knoplauchpulver
  • a tea light paprika
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • a Teelöffel black Pfeffer
  • two large red pepper shots, long halbiert, core and enthäutet
  • two large yellow pepper shots, long halbiert, entkernt and enthäutet
  • ¾ Bag of fresh fettarmer Cheddar-Käse
  • 4 to 5 Esslöffel fine gehackter frischer Coriander


  1. The oven is heated to 190 degrees. A backblech with parchment paper removed.
  2. Pour the olive oil into a large pan with medium heat. If it is good, the movements and the two minutes will be shorter.
  3. The gewürfelte Hühnerbrust, Brühe, Chili pulver, Kreuzkümmel, Knoblauchpulver, Paprika, Salz and Pfeffer hinzufügen. Umrühren, de Hitze auf nidrige Stufe reduzieren en zodekkt etwa 15 to 20 Minuten kochen las, bis das Fleisch gar ist.
  4. Let the pepper halves appear in the background. Each pepper half with the minced meat mixture full and then with ½ slice of grated cheese matured. 20 minutes back or when the stove has become lighter. Fresh from the often used services and with this was Coriander the best.
  5. The rest could be stored in an air-tight storage room in Kühlschrank for four days.

Chicken-Avocado-Salad Counter

This Salatbecher is ready in 10 minutes.

This Salatbecher is ready in 10 minutes.
DK Publishing

Vorbereitungszeit: zehn Minuten

Cooking time: none

Ergibt: six Bags

Serving size: three cups

Accuracy per portion:

Calories: 481

Total weight: 25 grams

Carbon hydrate total: 15 grams

Protein: 50 grams

Power supply:

  • a cup of salad
  • two large avocados
  • two Hähnchenbrüste ohne Haut, gewürfelt
  • Dried from 1 lime
  • ½ Tasse frischer Coriander, chopped
  • ½ large rote Zwiebel, würfelt
  • a Esslöffel Knoblauchpulver, plus more zum Abschmecken
  • a Teelöffel Salz, plus more nach Geschmack
  • a Teelöffel schwarzer Pfeffer, plus more zum Abschmecken


  1. Finally, create salad leaves to make those “bags”. The Blätter washes and dries.
  2. The avocados in a large bowl are pounded and pureed until smooth. Hähnchenfleisch, Limettensaft, Coriander, Zwiebel, Knoblauchpulver, Salz and Pfeffer hinzufügen. Gut move, then abschmecken and at Bedarf nor more Knoblauchpulver, Salz and Pfeffer hinzufügen.

3. Löffelt ½ Tasse des Hähnchensalats in a Salatbecher. Wiederholt de Vorgang with the remaining leftovers.

4. Rest in an air-conditioned environment to ensure safe storage for four days.