
Damage to your environment and health – the costs you cannot afford

Damage to your environment and health – the costs you cannot afford

Lebensmittel wie Rindfleisch verursachen hohe external costs during his work on Umwelt and Ernährung. These Wissen can be found at the Wahl der Ernährungsweise.

Enjoy the weather in Essen with a Fleisch view, and enjoy the climate and environment.

Enjoy the weather in Essen with a Fleisch view, and enjoy the climate and environment.

Thomas Trutschel / Getty

Kaum etwas geht uns so nah – wortwörtlich – wie unser Essen. «I’m not happy with it yet. . .», think with a grifen zur Wurst. But the Ernährung trägt in der Schweiz 28 Prozent zur Umweltbelastung bei and invest damit Platz eins for dem Wohnen (24 Prozent) and der Mobilität (12 Prozent). Woolen will clean our planets, more will start their own counter.

Basel, August 1, 2024: Am Vorabend des Nationalfeiertages zündet de Stadt traditionalell ein Feuerwerk über dem Rhein. A party so good that you might explore the city of feuerwerk and vermehren the Imbissstanden on the volatile Angebote. Denn 40 Prozent der CO2-Emissions in the summer months – so that Myclimate 2019 is in Züri-Fäscht berechnet – kommen vom Essen.

Während Marcel Meier van Basler Präsidial Department frohlockt, dass schon jeder zweite Essensstand ein vegetarian Menu available, empfindet of Basler SVP-Präsident das fehlende Fleisch als Bevormundung: «Klimaschutz, indem man the Wurst prohibitietet, ist der false Ansatz», says that the SRF is.

The climate protection is also helped by the fact that one consumes fewer animal products. The production of meat has a big lead and the gas emission as other food. If you no longer look at the Klimawandel, you go to the environmental disruption at your Beispiel by Landverbrauch.

Environmental friendliness of the essence, the natural environment of the labor, neither soy from Brazil nor the grim waste of Fleischalternatives. It helps a bit to make some verbal adjustments:

  • The cost of the essence is known
  • Make sure you get a safe and sustainable solution
  • Lebensmittelverschwendung zu avoid

The Market Price is not possible

Alessa Perotti, Expert in Sustainable Nutrition Systems, completed her 2020 Master’s degree at ETH Zurich on “Towards a Sustainable Swiss Food System: Estimating the True Cost of Food in Switzerland and Implications for Stakeholders” and translated the nutrition system into a language that everyone understands: Money. Considering that many fruits, cheeses and meats cost money: “For every Franken, for the nutrition products, one of the ghosts would be a Franken and external cost-saving,” said Alessa Perotti.

The cost of living is more interesting to study the costs, the market price is not covered: jene voor de schäden an der Umwelt, Krankheiten door ungesundes Essen or das Leid der Tiere. For the costs that Alessa Perotti has placed on the standards of the Dutch True Price Foundation, the factory settings for weeder recovery of Ökosystemen, Entschädigung für Umweltschäden or Verhindering eines erneuten Auftretens einbeziehen.

There may be some life forms that cannot be put on a preisschild, but Annahmen will have a problem with it. If you research the following results, you can see the results.

In Switzerland, the Gesamtausgaben von 37 Billiarden Francs for Lebensmittel mindestens 33 Billiarden Francs and uncovered costs, such as Alessa Perotti damals schätzte. Davon quickly fell 15 Billion Francs Krankheitkosten as Folge von ungesunder Ernährung an. At 10 billion francs the Schäden and der biological becomes extremely dangerous.

Weizen zum Beispiel must cost more gemäss Perotti 69 Prozent more, if you do not do so, the monocultures will be done with great difficulty. Rindfleisch sollte 125 Prozent teurer signal – roads CO2-Emissions, Land Verbrauch und Umweltverschmutzung, die der menschlichen Gesundheit harmen.

On other of the pages are gems and fruit of the Apfel, of the gemäss Perotti 178 Prozent is a must, weil there net a nutzen brings. Where man needs more gems and fruit, can save a lot of costs, which arise by a wrong mistake.

“It’s not that we can save money,” says Alessa Perotti, “but we will have to pay the costs, if we get subsidies or financing. Or: Someone else or future generations will pay for us.” The nutrition system is one of the biggest contributors to disease and environmental degradation. It is one of the biggest opportunities that you can reduce and reduce the external costs of the costs.

“It’s the consumer, idiot”

Christine Schäfer, Trend Researcher at the Gottlieb-Duttweiler-Institut (GDI), stopped our Konsumenten and Konsumen in de Spiegel for. It wasn’t that it was like that. “The level of image in Switzerland is so high that it is likely that humans don’t notice the error and don’t get it exactly right,” says Schäfer.

In my study ‘From the front to the counter – is there a good investigation into the future’ I said that 98 percent of the most common parts, more than three quarters of the time, seasonal or regional origins and 42 percent higher on meat and fish prospects want. “If the Swiss and Swiss are so motivated”, Schäfer firmly states, “it comes down to who has the most diesel products on their counter.”

It was not easy, it was a great annoyance of Hebel. The transport environment of the transport is very high. It has become much more important to consume, because it comes: A Fair-Trade-Mango from the South American market in the Rule a smaller CO2-Ausstoss als Bio-Rindfleisch von here. There are many things to consider, regional and seasonal experiences – it was thoroughly appreciated. What it’s all about is the best products for the week and the products you see. But für diesenzicht does not provide the motivation.

“We are not coming here on a system walk”, says Christine Schäfer. The learning system is complex, many players play with, with varying interests.

It is an unmanaged system and a nachaltigkeit mangles, lies a different Factors: The Policy sollte for the Environment of the Climate that Fleischwirtschaft einschränken, aber stattdessen wird this subventioniert. Detail handler can be used, but when the meat is on the grill. The Verantwortung is based on the knowledge that has arisen after science has developed into the correct Entscheide. Kitchen utensils and utensils are wollen sich ernähren, es aber nicht.

Warm up, enjoy your life

Food waste in the avoidance, also the Verschwendung of Lebensmitteln, is the largest mass, an Umwelt with the Essen nicht noch meer burden. Because life, in the energy sector, the land and resources are managed and life is cared for, that is essentially so.

It is so simple, but the matter, which der Verein, summarizes, erschrecken: I have lost a part of life and lost or changed the counter. That is 2.8 million tons in Switzerland. Dabei verursacht Food-Waste so fell Umweltbelastung wie die Hälfte der Schweizer Autofahrten.

20 Prozent der Lebensmittelverschwendung fell in der Landwirtschaft an, weil de Bäuerin zum Beispiel unförmige Kartoffeln aussortiert, die in de Handler nicht abkauft. 35 Prozent in der Verarbeitung, although not all Nebenproducts of Molke, Teigreste or der Innereien were used. 10 Prozent im Handel, der Lebensmittel false lagert. 7 Prozent in der Gastronomy, who fell lonely. At 28 days at a house, we will start with the operating system, but there are still no products to throw away.

“Lebensmittel zu produzieren, om si danach zzuwerfen – that’s very bad,” says Karin Spori, the Geschäftsführerin of Who will be able to reduzieren the 28th Prozent in our House, but must recognize it and each individual. “If you are now prepared, you are brauchen,” says Spori, “put your order in the kitchen, regain your peace and quiet and enjoy the broccolini meal. And enjoy your life.”

NZZ Planet A

The climate walk is not the end, it is a newcomer in a new era – with ideas, opportunities, innovation and new paths. Who do I want with the climate walk? Which thinker will find the best solution? Who wants to change life? Find out with a heraus.

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Most of the life problems are more than a year ago by the Mindesthalt Barkeitsdatum (MHD) in the geniessbar. “Beim Verbeuchsdatum is one of the most durable products,” said Spori, “but the MHD I also take Motzdatum: There is no more talk of the safety of the products, if it is so, as I can assure my manufacturer, the quality is not as it is whoever is talking about.»

Food waste can no longer be financed. 620 francs are given to every Swiss woman, every Swiss per year in the form of food. A Swiss homestead gives 7 percent of its annual expenditure to loans from the Federal Office of Statistics since 660 francs in monat. If you are a person, you can also spend a year longer life of your life.

But the best goal is: Great friends Essen is the best in Essen. And as essential as it is, it is a matter of its own: push, abwechslungsreich and for all weniger – weniger verarbeitete products, weniger tierische products, weniger Zucker. If the world of the few and the few also no longer wants, it can be their own well-being.