
Erste Schätzungen: ANYCOLOR presentation of the Zahlenwerk zum abgelaufenen Jahresviertel | 27.08.24

ANYCOLOR started the financial conference on 11.09.2024 and went home on 31.07.2024.

1 Analyst estimates, with ANYCOLOR listed for the last quarter at a trade of 39.05 JPY. I have a stock at an EPS of 45.06 JPY if a trade is executed.

The figures from 2 analysts are based on the figures for a quarter of the figures at a value of 7.73 billion JPY – a minus of 13.60 percent compared to the previous quarter, in which color 8.95 million JPY economics could be generated.

For the Fiscal Year assessment 5 Analysts are now in Cut with a profit of 165.99 JPY in a value of 139.63 JPY in the previous year. The forecast is seen by 5 Analysts in Cut at 37.20 BJY, compared to 32.00 BJY in previous years.

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