
BHP Group Action: BHP Earns More

BHP Group Action: BHP Earns More

The world’s largest mining company BHP Group has had a market exit (as of the end of June).

There is a profit of 2 percent on 13.66 billion US dollars (12.22 billion euros), the company said on Tuesday in Melbourne with. Group boss Mike Henry sees with a click on the long term for the sale, which lasts on the Chinese market kopfschmerzen. In general, there is a volatile market, which makes China an uninterested experience, which sends the manager to the Mitteilung.

The Wirtschaft der Zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt kommt morehin nur schwer auf die Füße, was also the Nachfrage nach Metallen dämpft. Für BHP Billiton is insondere Eisenerz separated, that is a fast current of Drittel der Einnahmen ausmacht. When the criticism of the Chinese real estate market was launched, the first price paid was the overshooting of the Chinese state market.

BHP chief Henry is the meinung, the requirements of the demand from China have all but disappeared in China – while in China more recycling scrap was used in steel production. Henry takes a closer look at the environment in which other Asian Entwicklungsländern and the backcountry are likely to open up.


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