
Szombathely: Burgenländische Ungarn auf dem Savarai Karneval 2024

Szombathely: Burgenländische Ungarn auf dem Savarai Karneval 2024

In Szombathely (auf deutsch Steinamanger, zu Römerzeiten Savaria genannt), to Oberwarts Partnerstadt, from 22 to 25 August 2024 from 23. historical Savaria Carnival statt, an Ereignis, that is his blessing in the millennium years as one of the most likely elections Summer hat in the border region. There are many people who have a large part of the civil education and the unguaranteed media and information center Unterwart UMIZ teil.

In SzombathelyThe wonderful city, which is surrounded by historical flair in festive costumes, enjoys the magic of the events and the spectacular atmosphere. In the Straßen des Stadzentrums were the most pulsating Herz of the Roman Reich, there were Legionnairestruppen, unerschrockene Gladiators, medium-alterliche Ritter as well as ungarische Traditionalists who Kriegsführung and das Leben verganger Epochen zum Leben.

Mittelalterich kleidete beim Bogenschießen. | Photo: Katharina Dowas

Traditional Garden and Schausteller

The spectacular climax of the Carnival war after death Parade der traditionalellen Garden und Schausteller. Ben Friday and Saturday evening continuous round 1000 Costumes the Innenstadt and the boats of Teilnehmern and Zuschauern a Zeitreise von der Römerzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Besucher, kleidet wie römisch Bürger in Toga und Tunika, wurden eingeloaden, in de Fußstapfen der Vergangenheit zu treten en gleichzeitig die Kulturschätze der Gegenwart zu entdecken. Neben een reichhaltigen Angebot und Konzerten, lehrreichen Vorträgen, Ausstellungen usw. were also taken care of for culinary pleasures in the Straße der Weine, the Bierplatz and the Altstadtmarkt.

Photo: Katharina Dowas

UMIZ at the Savaria Carnival

That UMIZ It’s been a year since our guest Savaria Carnivalby Zoltán Szabadfi, Narcisz Balaicz-Varga, Felicia Engler, Size Nemeth and other activities Mitarbeitern wird wird. Discover the war of the Bunte Stand between the historic Theme Park, the Wasserturm and the Markthalle, in short Gayerparkin der Abenteuerburg, auf Ungarisch Calandra embarrassing. The park is a forest area, a simple refuge, where one of the most common family program bots is located. Here are the offers of feature films, seasonal games, children’s performances, family concerts with interactive shows, the Jung and Alt gleichermaßen available. For literary offers die Berzsenyi Dániel Komitatsbibliothek Steinamanger BDMK and that UMIZ Underwater and the management of LadislausKelemen.

Those committed workers, all welcome Gerlad Schachingerleave the stand for three days and do not leave different books on the trusted lavender sacks. Catherine and Valerie Dowas, Katalin Höfler, Eszter Villanyi and Anna Maria Szava You will look in the novels and the animation of the guests of Schmökern in the children’s literature, the regional and regional schichtebände and references on the Flohmarktbücher of the institutes. In der Nachbarschaft des Standes the man could be the Jurte des Bogenschießvereines Magor Ice Age Continue and the Sunday-Night Mittag dies under the leadership of Ferenc Tompa anschauen. It is worth to judge the art and the Bogenschießen on a high level. Die Mitglieder ernteten großen and wohlverdienten Applause.

The Parade of traditional Garden and Schausteller. | Photo: Katharina Dowas

Visit Oberwart

On Saturday a bus with fast full persons out Upper night Szombathely. City Ewald Hasler Begleitete de interesting Gruppe, die sich um 7:00 p.m. begeistert de Umzug ansah, en dem auch burgenländische Ungarn teilnahmen. Onder der Leitung von Katharina Dowas and Prof. Doctor. Eszter Villanyi Fanden sich Kinder, Jugendliche and motivated Erwachsene ein, eh in historical Gwändern an der Parade teilzunehmen. There is an inhalation device that works well Ave Savaria! Ave Burgenland! Ave Örvidék! geufen. Specially an inherited man, as a servant of the Tribüne vor dem Bischofspalast Bürgermeister Georg Rosner one of the jubilant guests can take a look and cheer the marching boys.

There Savaria Carnival It’s been a year since something else happened, the man is one of the most popular shapers that can be made. Then heißt is wieder. Ave Savaria!

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