
Lord of the Light: Security and Protection from oben

Lord of the Light: Security and Protection from oben

About air transport, the flight of the Lufthoheit, the transport of Gütern and Einsatzkräften, which are in the trap of natural catastrophes, or the air force of the bodentruppen in military Ernstfall – the Agenden of Österreichs Luftstreitkräften are perhaps bad and cumbersome.

The modernization and redevelopment of machines and systems are realized in the time of great significance. For safety and protection from above, Austria must be more confident in the future. While the highly qualified specialists and the modern system of the Luftstreitkräfte are possible, the state borders can bring the Luftraum beobachten and the air flow quickly and effectively to the air. It is an unreliable experience with shore fires and high-pressure cleaners or with the activation of the star-rich air freight. One of the most fanatical tasks on 24 hours of the day and the day on which you can buy the house, paint the air traffic and the different standorten in the whole of Austria über ortsfeste and mobile Radaranlagen, Hubschrauberstützpunkte, Flughäfen, Hangars and fell more Einrichtungen.

Lufthoheit – Priorität Alpha

A core of the Luftstreitkräfte is the Wahrung and Recoverlung of the Austrian Lufthoheit. It is a matter of a flight in the sterreichische air traffic on the flight of the flight without there being a problem, which causes the air flow to get into the situation. If you react quickly to your reaction, this is a clear solution to an alarm message. Whoever feels that it is good, will be all years 30 to 50 times „Priorität Alpha“-Einsätze. The Gründe für diese Einsätze können verschieden sein: Nicht restorlbarer Funkkontakt, Queren des österreichischen Luftraums durch Militärluftfahrzeuge other Staaten ohne Überfluggenehmigung, Fälschungen der Transponderkennung aines Flugzeugs and other Verstöße gegen die Regeln des international and air traffic.

Two of the careers of both the aviation specialists: Hubschrauberpilot and FlugzeugmechanikerIn.

Two of the careers of both the aviation specialists: Hubschrauberpilot and FlugzeugmechanikerIn.Sebastian Freiler

When the final urging flight is performed and the landing in the air takes place, this may be that you are identified and identified. The Luftraumüberwachung of Boden is performed during the most festive and mobile radar stations. It is possible that the air handling and flight system offers gold to the passive component of the Überwachung. As an active component, the attack of the type Eurofighter comes to Einsatz. The command of the air traffic control ensures that you can perform the air cargo observation, so that you can carry out the tactical control and airflow of your own air traffic. Anlassbezogen, etwa at Luftraumsicherungsoperationen, come outside the ground troops of the air force to Einsatz.

During the Luftraumüberwachung, the Federal Army is one of the most important interests of state property and the Protection of the Population.

Supporting Ground Troops

The air protection of the Lufthoheit is nothing more than the air flow of the Luftstreitkräfte. The combined Lufttransportwesen des Heeres fell in this region. The Luftstreitkräfte transports people and materials from Einsätzen or mountains of lost persons, beispielsweise after an accident in high Alpine Gelände. There are even more Bedarfsträger – in the Rule that dies on the new Landeswarnzentralen der Bundesländer – die Luftunterstützung anfordern. Make sure that the Sprengen von Lawinen has military know-how and uses the Luftzurückgegriffen.

Sebastian Freiler

Except that the hubschrauber of the Bundesheeres in nature, and the Abgang von Muren and Avalanches or at Waldbränden. Those units are found in the standard Grundbereitschaft. Often there is trade. If the more extreme regions dry up, Hubschrauber was vorab dorthin moved, damn that the fall of the waterfalls possibly quickly Help and Support can lead.

Kite frame forge

The Air Force and Flight Training School (FlFlATS) as the central information of the Air Force, provides the Unteroffizieren, Offizieren and Civil Service Services with all the basic knowledge, which is incorporated in the military training and security training of the Air Force. Those in Langenlebarn and Zeltweg through the individual auspices of the Grundstein go an eredolgreiche Auftragserfüllung in the Einsatzverbänden. You can examine the debt burden of a debtor of the Einsatzaufgaben, including in Rahmen von Luftraumsicherungsoperationen zum Schutz von Großveranstaltungen, who zum Beispiel besuchen von Staatsoberhäuptern, internationalen Konferenzen (OSZE-Vorsitz, EU-Ratsvorsitz, Weltwirtschaftsgipfel in Davos etc.) or sportlichen Grote translations.

Major modernization

Since the Sicherheit and the Schutz were created, the modern systems and machines must be modernized and repeated. So there is a description of the 36 Hubschraubern of the Types AW169 of the Herstellers Leonardo from Italy, a new functional and probably some faulty, which is the Einsatz as Rettungshubschrauber. These last best Black Hawks were equipped with new, more modern cockpits, which gave the Heer more Hubschrauber and a sister staff of the Black Hawks version in the version UH-60M. Installation is possible at Eurofighter: Night identification capabilities, self-protection systems and radar-guided landing gear are placed at the program. The next steps for the Transport aircraft Hercules C-130 are cleared. From 2028 onwards, four new Embraer C-390 will be released for transport purposes for Austrian Streitkräfte. With the “Mission Vorwärts” you will find a Luftstreitkräfte in Steigflug.

Aeronautics Team

Before the Hubschrauber or Jets got to work, Team work was fragmented, giving Pilots a large Mannschaft-steht. The 4500 or so Experts (Occupational Soldiers, Civil Engineers and Ground Forces) of the Air Force are carried out in the unqualified areas. The palette of an artist, a Fireman or a Fluglotse and a meteorologist or a mechanic who does his work in the Administration. These specialists are intended for the Air Force of essential meaning. If you are on September 24 on the Day and the day of the night in the sky in Austria waits and bedroungen from the Luft-wirkungsvoll is geschützt.

Career Bundesheer

Here you can find more information about the possible consequences of the Austrian Federal Government Carriere zu machen: