
Schön scharf: new HITCHCOCK Ingwer Shot Chili

Schön scharf: new HITCHCOCK Ingwer Shot Chili

The Ingwer Shots of HITCHCOCK were busy with the Chili strain an exciting event. Extra many Peruvian Ingwers are Chili Shots who make a new photo of a real herausforderung for all new spirits and enthusiastic enthusiasts. A rising stream, the night for children is a natural night for children. The Limited Edition in the 0.5-l bottle is only available in the campaign period from September 2024 to March 2025 and sets exciting purchase impulse for a young, trend-conscious soul group.

Functions and health factors are fragmented. Since 2022, HITCHCOCK with Ingwer Shots in the Grapefruit & Lime assortment, Maracuja & Acerola with Orange & Turmeric offer active boosts for the small energy kick-zwischendrin. The Vitamin C-rich Shots in the green, pfand-free 500 ml glass bottle reach for your zehn portion. From September 2024 to March 2025, the Limited Edition Chili of HITCHCOCK Shot assortment and assortment for a fierige-serlebnis, that is all a young Soul group that continues.

Schärfe-Trend inspires GenZ

Young people are new in their lives and trying new things. Aktuell is one of the best things to do and believe. It is possible that you can use the food for a more extensive kitchen and for the Austesten von Grenzen. Also the HITCHCOCK Ingwer Shot Chili is a real herausforderung. Würziger Peruvian bio-engineers and scharfe Chilischote are aimed at all Schärfe enthusiasts and Geschmacksabenteurs. An Ingwer Shot, the sinful things, the free power and nothing for schwache Nerven is – and self-understandable for nothing for children!

Würzig is just sweet

In general, the trend is characterized by the reweighting of the würzig-spicy safety. If you get a belief and a new experience with gemstones, the fallen combinations become more and more interesting. With a mixture of Apfel, Bio-Ingwer, Acerola, Rote Beete, Zitrone and Chili bring the new HITCHCOCK Ingwer Shot Chili that ideal taste on the Punkt. Of course with the HITCHCOCK that is not so high, when it comes to making the Schärfe – no compromise against the power.

Fact check HITCHCOCK Ingwer Shots Chili (limited edition)

  • Aktionszeitraum: September 2024 – March 2025
  • Salts: 66.3% Apfel, 16% Bio-Ingwer from Peru, 8% Acerola, 5% Rote Beete, 4% Zitronensaft, 0.5% Zitronensaftkonzentrat, Chili Extract
  • UVP of €3.99
  • iconic 500 ml glass flask, 6er tray


HITCHCOCK is one of the best ways to lead the highest quality. There is a lot of data on the continuous use of the HITCHCOCK brand philosophy, but the best Rohstoffe zur Herstellung-used were used throughout the entire life and the hergestellte products that are more strongly defined and the quality of the control quality is greater. Due to the poor operation of the battery, the long life is so clean that HITCHCOCK can achieve a self-declared part of the quality of the product.

That high quality, the longevity and the sustainable quality is a pleasure, the million German household house of Marke HITCHCOCK in its gift packaging has a nice tag with Freude and Genuss erneut tun. At Mixdrink, Cocktail or Gourmetgericht, with the Directe Zitrone, Limette, Bio-Ingwer and Bio-Kurkuma of HITCHCOCK Spice Collection it is possible that there is a bad taste and refine. The Ingwer Shot Collection provides active boosts for an energetic lifestyle and a fast acceleration Grapefruit & Limette, Maracuja & Acerola and Orange & Kurkuma.

The fruit compositions in Zitrone, Cassis and Himbeere are new in the sorting and quality and manual restoration effects provide some incorrect profile profiles. All products are available in the online shop under

The Marke HITCHCOCK is the part of the Valensina Gruppe, which is called the German Fruchtsaftunternehmen Deutschlands. Three standorten enhance the integrated family innovations in Germany and incorporate know-how in packaging and packaging technology.

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Source/Image: HITCHCOCK