
Ex-biathlete complains about my lack of freedom and is unsatisfied

On Sunday, 1. September, the seriousness is great: the first landtags in Eastern Europe are a bundesweitbeobachtet with an abuse from the tension and the sorge. Gewählt wird in Thuringia and Saxony. If we ask ourselves how it went in the land of fragmentation, it is so that people can critically assess democracy. Was the scepter a strive- and wonach-sie? Who can find it so much fun anyway?

Journalist Jessy Wellmer, who moderated the “Tagesthemen” in 2023 and highlighted the Unterschiede zischen Ost en West in his book “Die Nieuwe Entfremdung” (The New Entfremdung), started to feel strongly about the East Wahlen in the ARD-Doku “Machen wir unsere Demokratie kaputt?” (Montag, August 26, 8:15 p.m., in Ersten, und abrufbar in der ARD Mediathek) auf die Suche nach Antworten.

Property of the film can be a fragment at the most recent dimap in the institutions and institutions of German democracy that are used in this way. It is important that there is a very good knowledge of the matter. So since 46 times that democracy functions in Germany, he is in film. In East Germany, the number of the unfaithful is 55 percent higher.

All about the subject ARD

“That is not the end of dialogue, that is the end of hindsight”

One of the evil states Dirk Neubauer provided democracy. Politics has been torn from the back, we will no longer notice the deceptions and the hostility of right-wing extremists: “The unbreakable Hass, there is a waste – that is beautiful, a dimension that is difficult to delay.”

I wrote a message with Jessy Wellmer: “It is not that the Tag has written someone, that there is a will that will bring Ecke. It is all concrete-friendly. In those e-mails are suggested, with wool communication, and when you then see an image of the translation, then you see that you are in the punishment dress.” Neubauer stated clearly: “That is not an attempt to dialogue, that is an attempt to hinder.”

I think it is possible to undertake politics. Gerade therefore stopped Neubauer so heavily, for democracy. “Out of my view it is time, that we understand, that it comes to everyone individually”, it concretely. Democracy is “over-mobile for an everything”, which the Saxon will use. “If we are nationalistic, we will have it in a while, then we will end up in the Schutt and the end. It is not nice for zwölf, es ist zehn nach zwölf.”

Flüchtlingsdebatte: Lesser kann „verstehen, dass manche Leute totally genervt since“

Jessy Wellmer donated another Serdar Kaya, a restorer of a waterfall on the other side of Zittau. (Photo: NDR/Felix Korfmann/beckground tv,)

Jessy Wellmer donated another Serdar Kaya, a restorer of a waterfall on the other side of Zittau.

Look at the ex-biathlete Erik Lesser. “If the AfD appoints the prime ministers, it is a question of policy for my sports area”, says the native Thuringian and explains, when democracy is in full swing. Remember that you have a certain freedom of time. I think that everything is in conflict with the geflüchtetenpolicy, but welcome Lesser. “If someone is helpful, then come – we help you there, that you can live safely. If you spend some time, if you are in the society, then the society will develop, then you say: That is the Tür, you can get an idea of ​​the Acker machine. “

Lesser fordert, das Thema “medial mal wieder in de Fokus zu holen” – the teaching of Jessy Wellmer. “Das pasert yet andauernd”, more broadly aimed at your interview partner. “It is just that times change, comments are made on the Direction, in all facets. It is advisable not to look at the mirror if the person has the feeling that he no longer wants to eat. It’s passion but everything!” That’s what the athlete is like: “If you are a fighter with a theme that you are passionate about, you will find out here. “And if someone says: Yes, he is as bad as Acker make, if he does not want to integrate – come the N.zikeule. It may be that it is understood that the Leute is a total sin.”

Before everyone gives the AfD-scheinen zu teilen this e-institution. „Can a man in Germany have his Ansichten und Meinungen aussprechen, ohne dadurch gravehafte personal Nachteile zu haben?“, lautet eine der Fragen, die der Afzender in Rahmen der Demokratie-Umfrage hat. In der Gesamtbevölkerung 59 Prozent die Meinungsfreiheit für gegeben; 37 Prozent stimmen der Fragestellung nicht zu. After the AfD-Wählern was fragmented 79 years ago, its own ownership could no longer be expanded here.

Dieter Nuhr: “I’m not happy, that’s not a good man.”

“Die Meinungsfreiheit ist ganz papalchal in Deutschland auch sehr gut aufgestellt, weil zumindest von statlicher Seite ja keine Konsequenzen drohen“, Power indes the most stritee Kabarettist Dieter Nuhr in der Dokumentation deutlich. After all, there was an interview, people were “mundtot” allowed. In an interview with Jessy Wellmer is now no longer a problem: “I have no behavior, the man can no longer say.” There is criticism of the “meinungsklima” and the missing “that bereitschaft, zu accept, that someone thinks differently . That’s a whole lot of fun again.”

The democracy kept Dieter Nuhr in the cloud with the hint for his judgment: The judge has an “unfassable intolerance” which means a “schlimmen Willen zur Unwissenschaftlichkeit”. On the left side there is a “insofern schlimm, if this is a big Dominanz hat in the best Bereichen der Gesellschaft“.

Laut de Befragten der ARD-Studie liegt das Gefahrenpotenzial for allem on de right: For “the actual greatest Gefahr for demokratie in Deutschland” stops 30 Prozent “Rechtextremismus und Rechtspopulismus”. Read 18 Prozent stopped “falsche Politik und Abgehobenheit von Politik(ern)” for a bedrohung; neun Prozent wiederum betrachten Migration as the greatest fahren for democracy. (tsch)