
Gefahr durch Metallteile: Alnatura started Rückruf for Käsegebäck

Cheese cracker

You can enjoy your valuables since you have an urgent problem. Getty Images/Nicolas McComber

Alnatura has a base for two types of cheesecake. If you are looking for metal parts in the packaging, you can use them.

Naturally, the product will be ready for purchase (via “”). Der Grund: It is possible to find metal fremdkörper in dem. Affected since the “Gouda Käse-Gebäck” with the Mindesthalt barkeitsdaten on February 15, 2025 and 15. May 2025 during the “24/7 Bio Ziegenkäse-Gebäck” with Mindesthalt barkeitsdaten on February 15, 2025 and April 23, 2025.

The foreign body can cause injuries and bruises in the mouth and mouth space. If you are bitten urgently, the affected products cannot be sold and cannot be carried out in the sales stalls.

Vorsorglicher Rückruf roads metallisher Fremdkörper gold plated on Goji-Beeren

Alnatura recommends, also the Goji Bears with the generated Mindeshaltbarkeitsdaten precautious backsupply. It can not be ruled out that this foreign body will end the production in the food industry. You can use the purchase price. The backpack is possible in the jewelry industry.