
Isabel Edvardsson celebrates her love – and the quality of life Photo with Ehemann Marcus

Isabel Edvardsson celebrates her love – and the quality of life Photo with Ehemann Marcus

Isabel Evardsson
“Let’s Dance”-Star celebrates the love – and is happy with love Couple photo

Isabel Edvardsson

© Gartner / imago images

The Parkett is still in the Star, but in private you will find the Backstage statt: “Let’s Dance”-Profi Isabel Edvardsson speaks about children and cones. But you still have power – and you will never have to wait until the end of the day.

My privacy is my life and my life is around 155,000 Community-Mitglieder on Instagram mehr Einblicke in hre Familienzeit wünschen: Isabel Edvardsson, 42, bleibt hart – with seltenen Ausnahmen. Now it appears that the time for a Mini-View during the Schlüsselloch came to pass. The “Let’s Dance”-Professional posts a shared photo with Ehemann Marcus Weiß, 50. This is a love statement, which everyone dares to see.

Isabel Edvardsson is happy with the world

“I love you” is a pleasure to read in English and in Swedish. Herzerwarmend! Das Foto says both of them in bright Eintracht, Isabels Stirn looks like a seine, in the Hintergrund with Palmenblätter. Ein Erinnerungsschnappschuss from their Urlaub? Offenbar nießen die both ihr gemeinsames Leben. “More than 21 Years”, comments the Tänzerin das Bild der noch immer währenden Romanze. “Verheiratet since 2014”, sie Stolz remembers, will aber the date secret.

Isabels Follower: in the meantime, enjoy sailing da: “Tolles Foto, tolles Paar”, liest man – oder: “Glückwunsch, ihr wwei wundervollen Herzensmenschen.”

Isabel and Marcus are well-known and well-founded. In the year 2003, I looked at the book on the road. There, a professional with the Parkett, such as a new Turnier-Partnerin. You can now complete probe training – and then continue with these fun activities. These are not forgotten in the four years, in the same way that the team is proud of their victory: over 70 joint activities, at 14 places on the World Ranking List – a Dream Team.

Children? Only with Marcus!

Then we will have more experiences: 2017 and 2021 were Isabel Mama, two Jungs. A new day of knitting is a joyful experience. Bereits zum Vatertag in the years gone by during the year of 2003… and my tanzpartner… And of course I was in Sweden after Germany, I was sucked in during the year 2003… and I was happy with it: You know the father of my children. , wie unsere Söhne dich anhimmeln.” Hach … zauberhaft.

Everything seems to stimulate Edvardsson’s family cosmos. Ihre Sprösslinge since Isabel’s Ein und Alles. They will see my loved ones again in the future, who will see RTL in the Rande eine Events laughingly: “I am happy with myself, I will be happy with my life, but I can not see … See more Stunden in I live alone and have such good time with my children. That is the Wahnsinn.”

“The Gelassenheit is even higher”

This means that the man is right and turbulent in the House Edvardsson-Weiß zu: “Clear, it is a great action result, also the best. The big picture is a bisschen entspannter, the can also be milled and built. And the two, classical, the small Bruder klettert If you move and want to jump, jump and move around, it becomes natural.”

But the Tänzerin lässt sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen, im Gegenteil: “Trotzdem muss ich sagen, ich fühle mich ausgeglichener, entspannter. Ich glaube, es überträgt sich auch auf die Kinder. Ich lasse denen Freiraum, aber die hören auch gut. Die Gelassenheit is higher, with three children.”

Kurz, bedauern sie nichts: “If I live in the same time, I wouldn’t be different. If my life is as good as it is, I am still alive, with my energy, that’s what Job is like, that’s the best Ehemann der Welt habe, die best Familie – dat would never be different.

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