
Paderborn: McDonald’s-Umbau: Grüne fordern Lärmschutz

Paderborn: McDonald’s-Umbau: Grüne fordern Lärmschutz

Who reports, the Fastfood restaurant in Paderborn had a great time. So some other people would be more Plätze für Gäste in der Außgastronomy geschaffen as a second McDrive-Spur.

The Paderborner Greens now notice a, the Verkehr zum en vom Restaurant can be a theme in Quartier Ost for a few years, impressed by the Schäferweg. Never again of the body, but of the eight Müll reclaimed are dort a wiederkehrendes-argernis.

If you want to leave the Anwohner des Quartiers for a long time, the one- and off restaurants of the Schnellrestaurants are so shaped that the traffic no longer passes through the Wohngebiet, goes further than the Detmolder Straße. “The environment has a large chance of being born, and the living environment has changed,” notes Ratsherr Florian Rittmeier.

“Noch in June these years were in the context of the environment, climate and mobility of the Lärmaktionsplan geprochen and on the negative effects of the Lärmemissionen hingewiesen”, said Ratsherr Ulli Möhl. “Gerade, when problems arise, we are in this city here in the light of duty.”

The green rat faction bittet the Verwaltung daher, entsprechende Fragen im kommenden Ausschuss, on Donnerstag (29. August) with beans.