
Stab change in Münster: Diller follows Baumgartner

Stab change in Münster: Diller follows Baumgartner

Professor Gerhard Diller is the new director of the Clinic for Adults with Born Heart Failure (EMAH) and Claper Diseases at the University Hospital Münster. He was succeeded by Professor Helmut Baumgartner (66), from the EMAH center, who had been working in the Reststand for 16 years.

The 50-year Diller War Leading Senior Physician at the Clinic, and his year 2009 has begun. Since the end of 2015 he has been a visiting professor at Imperial College London.

Diller studied medicine at the LMU in Munich and received his doctorate in pediatric cardiology. There is a clinical clinical study at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London and a Master of Science in Health Economics Policy and Management from the London School of Economics. The cardiologist is another example of the European Heart Rhythm Association and of the Kompetenznetzes that Herzfehler has born.

As a clinic director in Münster, translational research will be developed. “A concrete academic project has been developed in the research into the intelligent analysis of big data analysis, which works with hoffen, which explains the clinical care of EMAH patients,” says. This became the focus of the innovative investment investments, in which Diller a. (is)