
TSV Königshofen started to develop in the new Tischennis-Bundesligaison. – Sports

TSV Königshofen started to develop in the new Tischennis-Bundesligaison. – Sports

The special T-shirts are no longer being held up with Stolz in the Halle of TSV Bad Königshofen. “Yes, we did it”, we have never gone crazy, we are a super memory”, said Andreas Albert, team manager of the German Bundesliga. There was a defeat in the first Play-off match of Königshofen. Three months is a passing – and the euphoria is no longer visible, it is a spear. This is the case, if the team transports that swing into the new season. 3:0 TSV won its exit game on the lost Sunday against the Post SV Mühlhausen, Bastian Steger, Filip Zeljko and Jin Ueda won sovereign, only the Croatian Zeljko lost a seat. “In the high ground” the Siege was “completely overwhelming”, Albert said, because both of them had gone to Duelle and Mühlhausen.

The start in the eighth Bundesligaison der Unterfranken will be the good Spirit of the Foreseason. While the erfahrene Albert, who has been in the Tischtenniswelt in the house for 45 years, has recently gone through the punk, one of the absentees from his bans, Coach Koji Itagaki is the most positive attitude. “There are no players and players who have a trainer hat that plays a game, but that is woolen.” The Japanese question is, “why never in the Playoffs will be played,” said Albert.

The Voraussetzungen are scheinen geschaffen. Albert summarized the succession framework of the lost Saison: “Never change a winning team,” is his explanation. A new challenge is Hermann Mühlbach, who plays in the Bundesliga. “Before the autumn of the fall”, the statement of the TSV Team Manager, on Konstanz setzt: Zeljko geht in seine neunte Saison in Königshofen, Steger in seine sechste. A Vorteil der Mannschaft is, that is Steger and Ueda neither in the Bundesliga-konzentrieren and not from Turnier to Turnier. “That was the Vereine irgendwann auch kapieren”, others glaubt Albert, there would be the Ganze Zeit.

Kilian Ort power the TSV-Verantwortlichen nach zwei Operationen an der Wirbelsäule immer noch Sorgen

The “absolute football player” of Steger’s teams, with 43 years in class 25. Bundesliga-Saison geht. The Upper Palatinate “is never yet the first Sahne”, says Albert, prepared for the preparation of the Olympia in Paris with the victory of large names in training games. If the Bundesliga has not yet taken action, the team manager can say one of the following things as “ingeniously”: “Solche Spieler will help us further”. So come from the Japanese Ueda, 32, from the family that grew up abroad, and a good tag „jeden in der Liga schlagen“. Albert will follow the season during the month, nor will he play for the TSV.

The only mood killer is the healthy situation of self-confident Kilian Ort. After the operation during the Wirbelsäule war at that time with a specialist listener, “if it is not otherwise, will not be Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt”, said Albert. “Everything will be discussed”, the team manager concretely, Rückhandschläge are also schon weer möglich. If you played a Vorhand-Topspin game 28 years ago, “geht der Würz bis unten ins Bein”.

If the Tischtennis-Structuur in 6000-Einwohner-Örtchen in Lower Franconia is still better, the TSV-Geschäftsführung is Andreas Albert and Matthias Braun the bisherigen sports director of 1. FSV Mainz 05, Tomasz Kasica, obliged. There is a nun in Königshofen who is the Sport- und Markenentwicklung-kümmern. “It’s okay to play tennis with me,” said Albert. Kasica will soon be effectuated, “that’s the new training hall ever since”.

If you hear Sonntag in the Königshofener Spielhalle this fall, you can send the game to the TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen and (14 Uhr). “So we will win again,” said Albert, “then we will be able to cope with this conflict: after this season we will be able to enjoy our royalties.”