
Schulstart – Horn: Digital image as a Schwerpunkt that goes through the debt types

Schulstart – Horn: Digital image as a Schwerpunkt that goes through the debt types

While the Schüler does not let the holiday spirits enjoy the debts that the debt for the debts leaves behind on Hochtouren.

The summer season lasts in the Gymnasium Hoorn for the Sanierung des Hartplatzes der Sportanlage. Der Belag would abgeschliffen, new imprägniert and new line sucked. Some of the Daches would have started. You can use the computer technology and the IT technology that is complete. “Aufgrund des Datenschutzes were auch bereits Vorbereitungsarbeiten für die Zwei-Faktoren-Anmeldung inheritorderlich”, explains Director Michael Ableidinger.

Personell is given in Gymnasium Horn four new colleges as Karenzvertretung. “All four have die Berechtigung, at the Gymnasium to be trained. Through the young students a debtor has become an adult and is himself no longer judged”, is the Ableidinger erfreut. One of the defense instructors is Quereinsteiger.

Cybersecurity and mental health in high school

During the gymnasium director’s training, the schülerzahlen was not ready until the end of September. Fix ist jedoch, that’s why we have three first classes (a few more than I did before). The Schülerzahl will fail during the large number of years. “It is sad, because the living environment is grimly rückläufig,” says Ableidinger.

With a Welcome Festival the high school students were started in their free time by the first debts. Further arrangements such as project and sports weeks, find statt. Below you will find more debts about cybersecurity and the Mental Health Days.

Personelle Änderungen in HLW and HAK

“With their long-term support, they have also been able to get to know each other in the Ruhestand,” says Director Peter Hofbauer of the HLW and HAK Horn. Joyful happiness is felt during the work together with the subsequent classes. With jewels there are first classes in both Zweigen ist Hofbauer zfrieden. “Auch die eeninjährige Wirtschaftsfachschule ist in diesem Jahr wieder gutsucht.”

As a new Schwerpunkt, the HLW Horn offers in those years ‘Creative Media Art & Food’, a kitchen, service and presentation, the bringing together and teaching of media experiences.

“The tendency will often give our beneficiary the following picture at a university or directly in professional practice, that our education is only his practical application”, Hofbauer states firmly. A university first came up with a three-point statement. “The debts that have solved the debtor’s debt burden are only a few things that end up in social and collective health care. Only gastronomy is not so much a question”, Hofbauer states firmly.

Peter Hofbauer

Mag. Peter Hofbauer, director of HAK Horn. Photo: Martin Kalchauser

Martin Kalchauser, Martin Kalchauser

Volksschule Horn: Digitale Grundbildung und Ernährung als Themenschwerpunkte

The coming Schuljahr has received a small hat from Direktorin Andrea Dittrich and his team for the Volksschule Horn. The core themes are “Nutzung der voorhandenen Ressourcen in der digital Grundbildung” and “Gesundheit/Ernährung- Umgang mit de Ressourcen der Nature”

“Planned a health internship in the Frühjahr under the Einbindung von Experten in Bereich Ernährung, Fitness, körperliche and psychosoziale Gesundheit by regional products or Vorstellung von Berufen with Diätologin, Physiotherapist, Masseur, Ärztin, Landwirtin uvm anyway zahlreiche Workshops on the theme in the single Classes “, Dittrich clarifies.

Begabungsförderung und Gütesiegel

You can connect with a connection in the Begabungsförderung-angeboten, with a creative Bereich, in Bereich Forschen und Experimentieren, Digital fit auch in Combination with Engels, vermehrter Musik- und Sportunterricht, Gesunde Ernährung. “These concerns have been greatly appreciated by the children and since they have been given the support for their support for the good care of their children (GriPs),” states the Direktorin fest. This theme was followed by four college students in June 2024, so that eight college students can build a modular fortification system.

Musical performances, lectures, theatre at the school etc. are bundled and activities for transport and mobility services in cooperation with the police in preparation. For a nice form of design, and the children of their uninterested talent abroad and the guest presentations that are at the Oktoberfest.

“Thanks to my teacher team for his valuable work, his high performance and commitment to our trusted children and to the good sisters with the Elternverein”, said Andrea Dittrich who was busy with good communication. “Thanks that the city community of Hoorn is reserved for us for the guilt of Wolfgang Rydlo, who makes the children and the children older, when the teacher no longer works.”

The personal status of the Volksschule Horn is a bit in the Vorjahr, but it now offers two first classes (gegenüber threerei in Vorjahr) and a Vorschulklasse.