
Deutsche Anleihen geben nach – 27.08.2024

Deutsche Anleihen geben nach – 27.08.2024

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The Kurse deutscher Staatsanleihen since am Dienstag has sunk. Der richtungweisende Terminkontrakt Euro-Bund-Future fiel am späten Nachmittag um 0,26 Prozent auf 133,87 Punkte. The Rendite zehnjähriger Bundesanleihen rises im Gegenzug at 2.28 Prozent. The display is also expanding in the vast majority of states in the eurozone.

In the meantime, US conjunctural data were better than those that had been dropped. In the world’s great economies, the fight against work began in August. The indicator for the launch of the Marktforschungsinstitut Conference Board, which was the second month in the course of time and the exceedance of the cases, was the risk frenzy of the Anleger and the Nachfrage nach Festverzinsbremste.