
“Merkel is a cause for the responsible past”

“Merkel is a cause for the responsible past”

Was it a question of Politik nach Solingen? How can terror be prevented? SPD internal expert Sebastian Hartmann warned of the outbreak of the crisis – and the pressure on the Union and the FDP.

After the Islamist terrorist attack of Solingen with three large groups of the shock. The political party is lovely as an overarching law and regulation, but not everything is a sin or a matter of time.

The service of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) CDU leader Friedrich Merz, who has brought another abolition of asylum law into play in the Basic Law, has led to a solution. Has Merz gone ahead with the law? Or is there a notorious debate going on?

The domestic political speaker of the SPD Bundestag faction, Sebastian Hartmann, has the Preliminaries of the CDU chiefs scharf back. I am an interview with online busy with the pragmatic investigation of Hartmann on “Parolen” and “billiger Schlagzeilen”. Over the years and the Christian democracy there is talk of a “brutal entzauberung”.

t-online: Herr Hartmann, after the bloodbath of Solingen, is working out the policy. There are new developments going on, nothing can be done. What was my Lehren aus dem Anschlag?

Sebastian Hartmann: A war has begun, which is pushing Germany into the Fadenkreuz of Islamist Terrorism. In Solingen it is a bit gray, but the Gefahr von radicalisierten Einzeltätern ausgeht. We should not take this group nor starker into the focus. For an abschließende assessment it has never been this way, but there is a good chance that these instructions are presented in less detail. Who can make a mistake? Haben Behörden versgt? Why did the Police not visit Blick? Jetzt makes Stein look like others.

SPD Internal Expert Sebastian Hartmann: "I warned Herrn Merz about the Ablenkungsdebates."Enlargement of the images
SPD Internal Expert Sebastian Hartmann: “I warn Herrn Merz against Ablenkungsdebatten.” (Quelle: Thomas Trutschel/getty-images-bilder)

Der mutmaßliche Attentäter Issa al-Hassan hätte gar nicht more in Deutschland sein dürfen. Since the last withdrawals, only in the first half year 2024, there have been 14,600 active online searches. Where did you get the problem with the Griff?

Abscission is a national pain. In Fall von Solingen the sisters in North Rhine-Westphalia did not enjoy the best possibilities. When the Union continued its activities, the best solutions to the problem were not among their problems. The landowners that Issa al-Hassan abandoned do not die anymore, but there is no more war. There are indications that a malicious mistake has now occurred. That is fatal. When the Ruf after hard laws sounds every time, it sounds like a lock: We need no hard law, when the best were not yet accepted.

The leadership and the opposition are so united that the leadership from Solingen will become like this: the SPD will gain power over the concrete ones that can fall, the Union will be able to wage a Kurdish struggle in the asylum and migration policy. Is the SPD on the discussion a fact?

I warned Herrn Merz about the Ablenkungsdebates. It is the fault of the asylum lawsuit, but now it is so far, the responsibility for the removal of the debts is no longer possible. There is talk of an Aufenthaltsrecht, which in this case was not vollzogen. A gefüchteter is not necessarily Islamist, but a fugitive usually flies for Islamists. Therefore we must also not abdicate the Asylum Law. The Länder is a political gefahrenabwehr. Why is the Islamist problem that cannot be solved in the Blick?

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In Solingen it is a grusame Weise-gezeigt, welche Gefahr von radikasierten Einzeltätern ausgeht.

SPD Internal Expert Sebastian Hartmann

Is it not legitimate, but do you want to know if you have a fundamental question to ask? While the Population is at the final destination, the state is part of the control over the control, but it is no longer white, where everything is going to Germany.

When the Union of time was a “Knallhart-Forderungen” in the Raum-stellt, it is not that the autumn is so light that it is unrealistic. Leader Merz as leader of the opposition in the area of ​​the Billigen Schlagzeile. I think it has been years since the punishment has disappeared from Syria and Afghanistan. And if there is one, then the simplification is a fact, if only it is so. In addition to the CDU leaders, there is a Nebelkerze: There has been acquaintance with the CDU-geführte Landesregierung in NRW, which has a multifaceted representation in Solingen. Here comes the following: There is still no Mehrheit in the black landregierung for these Vorstöße.