
Cultural Minister Schopper besucht Hof in Weil der Stadt: Ein Ruf nach besserem Unterricht in Sachen Landwirtschaft

Cultural Minister Schopper besucht Hof in Weil der Stadt: Ein Ruf nach besserem Unterricht in Sachen Landwirtschaft

Culture Minister Theresa Schopper spoke about the Merklinger Bioland-Hof with Landwirten about Bildungsarbeit.

Sophia Herzog

27.08.2024 – 17:51

A glass of milk is the greeting, from their own kitchen of course. The Minister of Culture and his companionship classes are as good as the Vertreter of the 2019 gefounden Vereins Landschafft Verbindung (LsV) ebenso. Theresa Schopper (Grüne) was looking for Rahmen during the Sommertour Bauernhöfe. By Matthias and Eva Schmidt in the Weil of the city Teilort Merklingen it is first a diesem-tag, then Christina Schmid is taken to Althengstett.