
New Schuljahr starts in Hamburg with Schüler-Rekord | – Nachrichten

New Schuljahr starts in Hamburg with Schüler-Rekord | – Nachrichten

Status: 27.08.2024 20:00

The new Schuljahr started in Hamburg with a question: Insgesamt became 272,970 Schülerinnen und Schüler zu Beginn des Schuljahres 2024/25 Hamburgs Schulen besuchen, wie die Schulbehörde mitteilte. It seems this is not the case.

The largest debt burden of 6,230 sister students and students falls on government debt. “If the Zahl der Schülerinnen and Schüler keep watch, it is the first time that the Abschwächung des Wachstums is viewed,” it is said. So the predictions were in a year with 4.6 percent higher than the current average plus 2.5 percent. “Wir gehen davon aus, dass ich die Wachstum der Schülerinnen- und Schülerzahlen in de nichsten Jahren auf einem hohen Niveau eeninpendeln wird”, said Schulsenatorin Ksenija Bekeris (SPD). Man became uncared for in terms of debt and investments in his livelihood.

Eight new state schools

I am new School, since Donnerstag started, I was insgesamt 476 Schools in Hamburg. Eight state general public debts have been created that are new and ready to start. And the Grundschulen Fanny-Hensel-Schule (Barmbek-Süd) and Eschenweg (Fuhlsbüttel) are the Gymnasien Gymnasium in Eilbektal (Eilbek) and the Gymnasium Neugraben (Neugraben-Fischbek). Außerdem die Stadtteilschule Stadtteilschule In den Reethen (Neugraben-Fischbek), Stadtteilschule Osterbek (Bramfeld), Campus Hebebrandtstraße (Winterhude) and Campus Schnelsen (Schnelsen). Debt securities are still not such that new debts may start at some point.

Schüler reports it in Unterricht. © photo alliance / dpa Photo: Christian Charisius

SOUND: Start of the new Schuljahres in Hamburg (1 min)

More than 300 new Couples for Lehrkräfte

Auch im new Schuljahr sollen Hamburgs Staatliche Schulen saniert and ausgebaut zijn. 350 to 400 million euros were invested in more than 100 construction units. At the Lehrkräften there are 303 Couples more than in the past, with a total of 15,911 Couples. Von diesen Stellen fell at the Grundschulen 5,341 Stellen (+76), at the Sonderschulen 838 Stellen (+37), the Stadtteilschulen 5,696 Stellen (+119) and at the Gymnasien 4,036 Stellen (+71). Darüber hinaus stehen den Schulen 2,386 educational therapeutic Couples for Verfügung – 90 Couples more as I am lost Schuljahr.

Additional entrance fees in Class 10 were abolished

The sister additional courses in Class 10 of the Gymnastics were abolished in the new Schuljahr. Sieben Pilotschulen führen mit Beginn des Schuljahres 2024/25 Informatik als Pflichtfach in der Sekundarstufe I ein. Since the school year 2025/26, the information technology will be completed and all city schools and gymnasiums will be completed.

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A meal is written with bread on a table © picture alliance Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

In total 1,350 Nachwuchs-Lehrer a Hamburger Schulen was upgraded and put to work. I am in the Rathaus a senate for the Lehramts referendaar. (15.08.2024) more

A Schüler signs up for a hand in a classroom. © photo alliance/dpa Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

It is one of four city schools which are two Grundschulen and two Gymnasiums. See the section on the active Schulentwicklungsplans. (18.07.2024) more

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Hamburgs Dagblad | 27.08.2024 | 7:30 PM

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