
Moist results can be achieved by Rauchen – Nachrichten AG

Moist results can be achieved by Rauchen – Nachrichten AG

A recent study has revealed an alarming insight into the health effects of E-Cigarettes in combination with the original tobacco smoke. A researcher has discovered that inhaling vapor from E-Cigarettes in combination with tobacco smoke poses health risks. It is not that the tobacco smoke substance is removed, but the chemicals used by E-Cigarette vapor are no longer suitable.

Randall Harris, the author of the study, explained that humans were not impressed that the moisture came from the air. “Most people know that tobacco smoke inhaled the chemicals, while we know that humans removed the chemicals, while inhaling the vapor,” Harris said. This burden does not apply to the note, the danger of moisture creation by schärfen.

Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über Lungenkrebs

Frühere Utersuchungen hatten bereits gezeigt, dass Nikotin im Dampf von E-Zigaretten Lungenkrebs bei Mäusen verursachen kann. While the study authors waged war and raged, the Versuchstiere were ausgesetzt, compared with the Exposition of a human being, of the über einen Zeitraum of three years, regular dampft. It is about the long term of moisture on people, especially in Kombination with the Rauchen von Zigaretten.

It is a fact that the party has started, while Nikotin has not bothered with moisture anymore. Harris and his team have removed the E-Fluid, a large number of toxic compounds, which can sometimes cause health damage. A heavy-duty part is the removal of the DNA repair mechanisms, which is notorious, one of the keys to the coupling of the carcinomas in the casing.

Die Gefahrenmenge und das Bewustsein der Öffentlichkeit

Another research on this research is the harmlessness of the chemical substance of E-Cigarettes. It may be that e-cigarettes are a harmful alternative to solving problems, while the risk-free is risk-free. The combination of E-Cigarettes and Cigarette smoking can bring a number of risks to a big problem.

The further research into the contents of the E-flow can be done, as Nutzer die Gefahren unterschätzen. When one of the small risks for lung credits and other atemwegserkrankungen is used, the watertightness can be regarded as a large number of complizierter herausstellen.

It is insulting that the Smokers of Cigarettes as the vapor of E-Cigarettes in their own, are at risk in the field of health care. The Forscher appelliers and the consumer products, if they have the potential to understand what they are and if they are separated, the products are so consumer-friendly.

Ensure proper functioning through chemical composition

Make sure you consider that you can use a chemical in a large amount in the e-cigarettes. These are often not clear to clarify and buy, but a full-fledged picture is that the problems they cause, increase the heat they bring. It seems that we only have an extensive view of the severity of the severity, which can increase the risks of the game in a playful way.

Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen des Dampfens

The moisture of e-cigarettes can be affected if it is shown in the traditional tradition. Dennoch gives a hint on the other side of the world, but the negative effects of E-Cigarettes have had the following consequences. A turnaround in sight, which im New England Journal of Medicine Veröffentlicht wurde, say, that Dampfen with a Vielzahl von Atemwegserkrankungen and cardiovaskulären Problems in Verbindung brought wird. In particular, there is a risk associated with the behavior of E-Zigaretten and the recovery of lung damage, which can occur in one’s own cases with chronic relief.

Research is related to the inhalation substance of e-cigarettes, with propylene glycol and glycerin, to make a fast compound of it quickly. These compounds, einschließliche formaldehyde and acrolein, are intended to make travel for the Atemwege and making a treatment of the lung function possible. The longevity of the products has never been so full-fledged, that these products were first relatively expensive.

Regulierung und gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung

The regulation of e-cigarettes varies worldwide. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has overseen the regulation of the sale and operation of e-cigarettes, which is concerned with the protection of youth care. In many European states, part of Germany, a number of regular e-cigarettes, one of the e-cigarettes that you control and the business that you do, is a fact. These reactions are often a direct response to the conscious reactions to the protection of the vapes among the youth and the great consequences of the risks.

In the company business there is an unacceptable water resistance to moisture. When a person considers e-cigarettes as a means of relief for smoking, see others as new health risks. If you are aware of the risk of moisture, it is possible that the treatment often remains unanswered. Here you can best use the warning for the information campaign, one of the most common risks is the risk of moisture accumulation.

Current Statistics for Nutzung von E-Zigaretten

Ask about Statistics As of 2023, approximately 20% of young people in Germany will use e-cigarettes regularly. Highlighting an important meaning in the past and sending fragments about the effectiveness of the best regular services on. Another question is that the e-cigarette market is undergoing a market analysis in 2025 by more than 30%. It is said that the interest and the product are interesting, which increases the risks.

While the Forschung has begun, the Gebrauch van E-Zigaretten is often associated with the Konsum van Tabakprodukten compiled by them. Daten der Deutschen Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen (DHSS) said that many E-Zigarettennutzers were also in the herkömmliche Zigaretten-rauchen, the Frage was launched, while E-Zigaretten tatsächlich als Mittel zur Raucherentwöhnung would be or as easy as the entrance of other Tobacco products fungi.