
The Lieblingsobst der Deutschen began in the Saison ‹ Fruchtportal

The Lieblingsobst der Deutschen began in the Saison ‹ Fruchtportal

August 28, 2024

Der Startschuss für die Apfelernte ist gefallen: In alle Teilen Deutschlands pflücken heische Erzeuger jetzt wieder crispy-fresh Äpfel. “And those serious thoughts are, wenn auch nicht gut, so but immer noch besser as im witterungsbedingt, historical bad Apfeljahr 2017″, message set “Deutschland – My Garten”.

Fräulein. (Photo © Deutsches Obstsorten Konsortium GmbH Obst-vom-Bodensee)

“The roads became difficult when it came to cooking and drinking water in the year 734,000 tonnes of waste* geerttet – that is 15.7% less than in the past** (Quelle: *Statistieks Bundesamt; **Prognosfruit) – but never more than Enjoy, eh the Regale der Supermärkte and the Lager zu vol.”

Image source: Pixabay

The German Apfelvielfalt awaits you here

Deutsche lieben ihre Äpfel Schon seit Generationen. Nothing could be further from the truth, that the Apfelanbau here has a centuries-old tradition – after all, it is a good thing. Entsprechend inheritafahren as well as those domestic Apfelerzeuger, the Swiss Altem Land and Lake Constance with insgesamt beef 34,000 Hektar Apfelanbau bereiben.

Damit gehen bound 70% der Anbaufläche für Baumobst auf das Konto der Äpfel, dessen fourweightest Anbaugebiete in Baden-Württemberg (approx. 12,000 Hektar), in Alten Land near Hamburg (approx. 8,500 Hektar), in the Lower Rhine and in the Dresdner Raum lie* (*Quelle AMI analysis based on GfK panels).

Apfelernte am Bodensee. (Photo © BVEO)

A look into the construction area

The application of the Apfelanbau can not be so easily warmed up by the device, that it is displayed over time. The season 2017 begins with the fact that the frühjahrsfröste is a three lower than an üblich – while ready the Blüten erfroren.

If there are extreme climatic conditions, which in the rule of the Teile der Republic concern, see that Apfelbauern often gezwungen Mehrkosten and Mehraufwand for Zuätzliche Bewässerung, Hagelnetze, Frostschutz- und Beregnungsanlagen in Kauf zu nehmen. The strong consequences of the Wetterunbilden were in those years in the southern Bundesländer.

Photo © BVEO / Arianebille1

Dr. Rolf Hornig von der Landwirtschaftsberatung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Schleswig Holstein (LMS) states: “We are in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern this year with an apple harvest of 25,000 tons. The harvest is exactly the middle of the last years (25,239 t) and generates a plus of 15 percent. If there is no more gold plating, it may be that the prices are different than expected.”

“The frost nights from 17 to 18 April and in the period from 20 to 23 April have been caused locally and separately in the middle of Mecklenburg, in East Mecklenburg and in Vorpommern to appreciable damage. The affected health is greater than the quality of the work, while the characteristic of the frost ring is very effective. In Westmecklenburg, where the bulk of the apple trees are located, the night in the healthy country can be continued strongly, while soda with a bruise can lead a normal life in the summer. “

Hans-Jörg Elvers, Geschäftsführer der Erzeugerorganization Mecklenburger Ernte I think it is bad to say: “I am an ökological anbau, 69% of the reformbringt, war and the Schorfbekämpfung in that Niederschlagsreichen year is a serious herausforderung. Locally we are limited by fruit damage due to Hagelschlag.”

BVEO Apfel. (Photo © Jessica Diesing)

At Lake Constance the Lage Ganz looks different. Janina Bembenek, Marketingleitung von Obst vom Bodensee the fastest the next sister: “Nach one of our first years of experience 2023/2024 we will have a great experience, so we will look at the quality as well as the mix. With a large amount of energy in the Lake Constance soil, large calibers and a few inner values ​​with good fruit quality, it can be joyful to start.”

“The next marketing season will probably be and stimulate the results on the market. So if you want to use a German landweed, there is a contact on the market and the products that these good products from the regional bzw represent. Homegrown production offers, which during my additional work, especially in the commitment to biodiversity and art protection, überzeugen. “

“Diesjährige has a 13% Plus value and the Bodensee-Klima-system has created a perfect Ausgleich from the Süße and Säure. If you see the bottom of the ground, it is a beautiful place, which is now found by the lonely climatic conditions on the road in the Apfel. “

Jens Anderson, Leiter Marketing, Elbe-Obst Erzeugerorganisation paints the Lage in the North thus: “On the basis of the previous data of the predictions of the Alte Land, that 1/3 of the warteten German Erntemixte to our lying season 24/25 are scheduled. Equally well with a combined the previous year sunk Erntemix in the whole of Germany. The analysis of the sales station has yielded a lot, there has been a renewed analysis of the material and the consistency of the fruit. The inner and high-quality quality can be optimal. “

“In the Alten Land, good laundry server storage has become an increasingly important standard factor. It will be a long time since the Nordic construction of Europe takes place during the last years of the investment in frost protection with flushing water from erwerbsobstanlagen. Denn Frost is required to use the Blüte in the Alten Land. The Beregnung in Frühjahr (Frost) and in summer (Sonnenbrand) has disappeared in the Alten Land. The frost war at that time was also not a problem, but the fact that the quality of the matter was such that the activities of the Bienen bei der Bestäubung were führt.”

Photo © BVEO / Arianebille2

Hans-Jörg Friedrich, Vorstand vom Pfalzmarkt for Obst and Gemüse äußert: “In diesem Anbaujahr began in der Pfalz, in unseren Obst-Anbaugebieten in der Südpfalz bei Kandel, under the früh in the secret Apfelernte. The market-relevant apple varieties Elstar, Gala, Jonagold, Braeburn and Delicious become schrittweise in the Ernte. The season continues in the year from Anfang July to October. The basic principle for fresh air is for all the mild climate in our primary care environment, which is active for the winter holiday season and provides a positive experience.”

Arthur Heinze, Vertriebsleiter Obst at Landgard Obst & Gemüseblickt der diesjährige Apfelsaison is set up: “Wir konnten in der KW 33 pünktlich mit der Vermarktung der Frühsorte Delbar Estival begin. A Woche später follows our Hauptsorte Elstar. The Elstar era started in those years on the whitewash in the Bornheim region. The next sorting is the Gala, then we follow the Hauptsorten with Boskoop, Jonagold, Braeburn, Pinova, Wellant and Evelina.”

“The experiences were in the Rhineland but the ways of the frost in the May and increased hail damage leader to a year ago level lie. Our customers claim that their investment is at 50 to 60 percent of a normal year lies. Our new club sort Evelina is aware of all the laws that take away the chance of money. It seems that the quality of the apps is positive for sales and courtesy, but our knowledge of the quality of the apps is recognized and in the new seasonal value. “

Cheers with Knack!

It is worth dying the Germans from an apple. If you use the perfect fruitful app, you should make a light comment and use a handy piece of Bisserlebnis. In a Genuss-Kriterium there is no question of a targeted Erntezeitpuntt. The full execution of the transport paths will begin before the entire transport path begins.

Fraulein Apfel. (Photo © Deutsches Obstsorten Konsortium GmbH)

If it has not already happened, the production will be carried out from the German Anbau-reifer, so that the production will produce less CO2 and save costs during the processing of the costs.

Photo © “Deutschland – Mein Garten”

A clearer advantage, the many consumers to treasure erase. If the secret apple is not even a problem, then it is about the sorting and the biodiversity and is a symbol for thoughtfulness and regional involvement.

The 10th girls bought Äpfel 2023*:

  1. Elstar (2023: 19% – 2022: 18%)
  2. Braeburn (2023: 14% – 2022: 14%)
  3. Gala (2023: 12% – 2022: 11%)
  4. Jonagold/Jonagored (2023: 8% – 2022: 10%)
  5. Pink Lady/Cripps Pink (2023: 8% – 2022: 8%)
  6. Kanzi (2023: 3% – 2022: 3%
  7. Golden Delicious (2023: 2% – 2022: 3%)
  8. Cox Orange/Holsteiner Cox (2023: 2% – 2022: 1%)
  9. Pinova (2023: 1% – 2022: 1%)
  10. Cameo, Rockit, Fräulein, Sweetango, Honeycrunch ua (2023: 0.5% – 2022: 1%)

(*Quelle AMI analysis based on GfK panels)

Release date: 28.08.2024