
Human papillomavirus: it is such that HPV can no longer work

Human papillomavirus: it is such that HPV can no longer work

Quickly infected when the thoughts are once in life: Human Papillomaviruses. It may be that the infection is not resolved, while the cases are released at Krebs. An infection can protect days – but the infections are low.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause a high rate of sexual infection. Quickly sexually active Mensch has begun to involve the Robert Koch Institutes (RKI) but it seems that this is a problem. There is a virus type – the virus is infected 200 times – can cause an infection that can go further. Many brands Menschen are never sick, but the infection changes wieder.

If you fall into the seltenen, the Krebs can fall out. This applies to all Gebärmutterhalskringen, including Penis, Anal and Krebs circles in the Mund-Rachen area. If RKI is in good health, half of all infectious diseases will be affected by HPV attacks.

The goal is: An impfung is carried out, the RKI is quickly 100 percent for the best HPV type protection. But: So few people benefit from it. There is talk of paying, the service of the Barmer Krankenkasse is opened.

By 2022, only 60 percent of girls over the age of 14 were fully HPV-proof. In young children, the mandate remained substantially lower, with an anticipation of 25 percent at 13 years. An HPV implementation for young children aged 9 and 14 years was first effective in 2018, although Barmer had no outstanding data for 2022 for 14 years.

“That little Impfquote is sorgniserregend,” says Nobila Ouédraogo, public health expert at Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. The Barmer study says that the impfquote has risen a little over time, the Zuwachs is a German desire. “Wir kommen weiter voran, aber wir became more slowly,” says Ouédraogo.

The Ständige Impfkommission (Stiko) has started the HPV implementation from 2007 for the month and from 2018 for the youth in the Alter from 9 to 14 years. Für einen Schutz sind zwei Impfungen im Abstand von Mindestens fünf Monaten nutty. A fake immunity is such that the change will take place 17 years later.

From 2021 to 2022, the impossibility has been passed on to Barmer. It is possible that another one is connected to a shock of the doctor’s appointments due to the Corona pandemic, Ouédraogo estimates. Many controls, a whole series of impf measures and the problem of debt programs are further explanation possibilities.

Bei Frauen ist Test Teil der Früherkennung

HP-viren were nach DKFZ-Angaben voor allem beim Sex übertragen. Sowohl Frauen as their Manner could inspect themselves. Your nach HPV-Typ can cause unwarranted symptoms. Some non-HPV types can protect their heads and hearts, people or men who wage genital wars, which can cause them harm, aber zum teil schmerzhaft since.

Many risk types, which cause Krebs, can cause no symptoms. From the age of 35, there is an HPV test that contains a part of the early recognition programs for Gebartutterhalskringen for a year. Women who are 20 and 34 years busy with a Frauenarzt an Abstrich am Gebartutterhals, a possible changes in body composition aufzuspuren.

Estimates for follow-up illnesses in Germany annually approximately 7700 people are diagnosed with HPV infection and cancer, with the DKFZ information. Before there was a Früherkennungsangebot in Germany, war with the Zervix karzinom – a large tumor of the cerebral hemorrhages – which causes the largest credit crisis in women. Inzwischen has become a good selection. The effect of the impfung will strengthen RKI in the coming years.

There is absolutely no protection against HPV after DKFZ-Again, since this is the protection of the safest protection. If these matters become another year, the child may go from the vermitteln, the Sprecherin des Berufsverbands der Kinder- und Jugendärzte (BVKJ), Tanja Brunnert. “If we have sexual relations in the world, it is an uncannily great memory and shame,” says Brunnert, who attends a practice in Göttingen. “It is not possible to survive, these legends, that is a man but not with a new machine, that we can still survive, we can make a difference.”

Für Brunnert is one of the groundwork for the new impfquote. It is wise to inform children about the impfung, when they are never so young. „Je früher, desto besser.“

Despite the hours, the impurity was very critically criticized. When the impurity material was spliced, it was said that Brunnert received critical impulses, such as in the case of specialist groups. “If you hang up a tatsächlich what you are looking for, you will have a good representation and effectiveness of the impurity erasure.” So what is more, that the children’s and children’s room get the right help. If you no longer experience the stress of the undertaking: the terminology must be carried out, an impfstatus that you can check.
