
Lachs-Carpaccio with Asian Dressing | Aachener Zeitung

Lachs-Carpaccio with Asian Dressing | Aachener Zeitung

Sushi fans served: In this recipe a delicious aromatic dressing is added, soda is a nutritious spiced dish. That lies on sesame oil.

Das Dressing hat is eiter einen Besonderheit. Seine Grundlage is journey and sake. Both were milder and had better taste when it came to food and drinks. If you find it sour, whoever at Limettensaft, würde the Fish “yarn”, that the Säure that changes the structure of the fish from the fish. The famous man from Ceviche, who eats Fischsalat in Limettensaft. Even if the fish is fresh in the recipe, it stays in the dressing longer and it becomes brighter.

If you add fresh Limetten-Aroma to the Carpaccio, the Dressing will be refined through Limetten-Abrieb. Fresh geriebener Ingwer ensures a clean, fresh Schärfe.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

5 Stiele Coriander5 Halme Schnittlauch3 TL Sake (süß)*3 TL Reisessig*1 TL Sesamöl1/2 TL Ingwer (fresh fresh)1/2 TL LimettenabriebSalz200 g Lachs (Sushiquality, freshly prepared)

* Both Zutats find a man in the supermarket, on the Asian market or on the internet. They weld themselves both products, including mixing 2 TL Apfelessig with 2 TL Sherry and 2 TL Wasser.


1. Wash the cilantro and schnittlauch, trockenschütteln, and zupfen the korianderblätter von de Stielen. Korianderstiele and Schnittlauch are fine hacken.

2. Sake, Reisessig, Sesamöl, geriebenen Ingwer, Limetten-Abrieb and the fine hacked Kräuter mixture and with Salz-abschmecken.

3. The Lachs hauchdünn aufschneiden and auf a flchenm Teller verilen. With the dressing and garnish with the coriander leaves.

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