
Lufthansa: Vogelschlag! Machine kehrt kurz nach Start um | News

Lufthansa: Vogelschlag! Machine kehrt kurz nach Start um | News

Schreck für die Passagiere: Eine Airline-Maschine is ready to shut down Frankfurt due to a collision with one or more flights and returned to the airport.

The plane, that is Berlin If you are taking a flight, then as a conscript, you are dependent on the airline at the airport. The crew and passengers are busy welding the machine away in the normal way. The data from the portal “Flightradar24” war the machine landed again 15 minutes after take-off. The trade is about an Airbus A320.

The Flughafenfeuerwehr-rückte – wie is de Sicherheitslandungen üblich – vorsorglich aus. Der übrige Luftverkehr war laut Freghafenbetreiber Fraport nicht beeinträchtigt.

How powerful the machine with the flight number LH200 is, is unclear. The Passage goes with an Ersatzmaschine in the Hauptstadt flight.

A combined feast with birds, a bird song can be a Aeroplane seriously damaged. Pilots were made especially for these Zwischenfälle flights. If the Frankfurt Airport uses the Wildtier experts in the Einsatz, you have to take a risk by the Vogelschlag in the verringer.