
Mallorca: Onkel des Verstorbenen after Crash with Luxusyacht

Mallorca: Onkel des Verstorbenen after Crash with Luxusyacht

German Luxury Yacht breeds Angler (20) to

“Wir haben wie verrückt geschrien!”

Luxus-Yacht fährt Students (20) up to

In the harbour of Porto Cristo, politicians from the luxury yacht that made the Unfall divestment have become like this.


„The boat has a great time period!”

The uncle of the Dead has never been like this, who has forced the luxury yacht with full force in his small fishing boat and then flown with higher speed. Owned by the 45-year-old Spaniard only with both Neffen angels, but not by Guillem C. (20) about the Crash.

Erneuter Zwischenfall with German interpretation on Mallorca

Guillem Cs Onkel remembers himself as a cleverest student of his life. “The yacht you love in highland waters will be loved by you,” it says. Zum Glück has given like a light a light, it is worth never being able to win mountains. “No one has jumped into the water, that is the boat with no time constraints,” the story of the Onkel des Opfers hindzu. If you buy a boat, you can spoil it by enjoying Hilferufe.

Ithis tip: Deutsche von sinkender Yacht for Mallorca gerettet

The Ermittler of the Kriminalpolizei has financed the yacht in the harbour of Porto Cristo and found the Capital. The ship is under the German flag. First a message was written about the German Urlauber for the company: A police group has a Majorcan taxi company a sickbay geprügelt haben.

In Video: Buckelwal goes to Fischerboot