
Dresden with security: “If you don’t move, you don’t suffer any damage”

Dresden with security: “If you don’t move, you don’t suffer any damage”

Dresden with security: “If you don’t move, you don’t suffer any damage”

Daniel Heinrich from Dresden has founded an innate Krankheit nur noch zehn Prozent Sehkraft. Anyone who goes through life and has suffered an unsatisfactory work contract.

Daniel Heinrich worked on a Reception in the Rainer Fetscher Senior Citizen's Home for Workers' Well-being in Dresden. There is a fast blind man who can provide for his job.

Daniel Heinrich worked on a Reception in the Rainer Fetscher Senior Citizen’s Home for Workers’ Well-being in Dresden. There is a fast blind man who can provide for his job.
© René Meinig

Dresden. “I tend to talk about such matters at length and often use the Arbeitsstellen, an end to the right find.” So Daniel Heinrich remembers. But today the 36-year-old has finally arrived. An appeal has been made to the Reception of the Seniorenzentrum “Professor Rainer Fetscher” der Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) in Dresden.

There is a high chance that there is a heart attack. “I am not yet happy with my future. I am also safe,” it says. Schon mit der Augenerkrankung was born. That AWO is definitely going to take a chance now.

Angestellt is Daniel Heinrich at sozialen Arbeitsprojekt Sonnenstein gemeinnützige GmbH. It is a connection relationship and modern service leadershipsunternehmen der Beiterwohlfahrt. The concept provides for people with a background in the work place they work for.

“We can enjoy a healthy life with people with the benefits of an overall labor market. In addition, we have a lot of work for 150 employees,” said AWO Speaker Andreas Szabo. The Leistungsangebot is one of the most important Housemeister- and Handwerkleistungen, Rezeptionsdienste, Unterhaltsreinigung, Hauswirtschaftshilfe, Gemeinschaftsverpflegung and other service leistungen.

Arbeitsplatz und Behinderung-angepasst

One of the Mitarbeitenden is Daniel Heinrich. “Here we have a job well done, so that my work is done properly, so that my work can be done and I can be fully integrated,” reports the young Dresdner. So let’s take a look at the images for more than 600 copies.

The universal power is not by hand, not by computer writing. “My little Sehkraft error is a little bit, with the hand leserlich for the collegen zu schreiben”, says Daniel Heinrich. If the computer works, that is certain. An Alltag has been found that costs more and more effort, a life is a matter of a machine. So tip is a Messenger WhatsApp app that no longer works.

There would be no ever auf eigenen Beinen stehen, so Daniel Heinrich. “Citizen money for beans is for my small option. I can earn my own money,” Heinrich says. But there are still unfinished work places that are difficult. “Einige Arbeitgeber was not so honest, even with my own business work. Manchmal separated from his own lamp, which brought a little more light to his home,” remembers the Dresdner.

Angekommen – when you are in Berufsleben

Look at the right debt when there is no more war. At the Regel-Vorschule in the Kita-fehlen in Hilfsmittel, with learning less gewesen true. Schließlich die Erleichterung: Ein Platz at the Landes-Blindenschule in Chemnitz.

“Dorteer abroad and the first schreckliches Heimweh, then it can be integrated into my intestines and is the war on the right separation, dort zu leren”, says Heinrich. The Realschulabschluss is ready for it. Danach is absolutely an Ausbildung as Bürokaufmann.

A nun is a good thing – if you are in Berufsleben. “If you don’t have any problems, you don’t have to be infringed. If you don’t have a better understanding of your situation, if you don’t understand it, then you have better understanding,” says Daniel Heinrich.

If you hang on the couch, it is not visible. There is little life, nice friends, the power of sport fell. “If I lose my mind after hearing it, it functions better than with other people,” he said.