
Verkauft – The Schloss Wolfpassing hat new Besitzer

“The castle has fallen so softly. Of course, it is for a castle new country, which will reflect a standard and wool selection in the second half of the years of a modern Bürogebäude, in the most diverse Veranstaltungen-stattfinden-können”, says Patrick Donnerbauer. Donnerbauer is one of the new castle herren. There are still more years in the hands of HRH GmbH from Amstetten, who have now given the castle a new owner: the DSG Anlageimmobilien GmbH. Patrick Donnerbauer is the manager of Nils Schaich and Fridolin Grund Geschäftsführer of the DSG.

The DSG with offices in Wien, Salzburg, Styria and Carinthia buys real estate, and deals with these and other investors, as well as with real estate investments. Insgesamt beschäftigt die DSG rund 65 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter alleine im Office-Bereich. Dazu kommen nor Hausverwaltung- und Gebäudemanagement.

“We can have investors in a rundum-sorglos package invest in one of the entities, the multiplication and the dissolution – everything is done with one hand. That can be one of the many underlying and management paths that a maßgeschneiderten Finanzierungsplan”, explains Nils Schaich.

Both Geschäftsführer started in the real estate industry in their last year, 2019 received the DSG-gegründet. Bisher has the DSG for all homes in his portfolio, everything is possible in the private sector. Ein Schloss is Neuland for Donnerbauer and Schaich. “Wir since aber der Meinung, dass man nicht noch mehr grüne Wiesen darf, sondern besthende Gebäudesubstanzen sinnvoll nutzen muss. Das Schloss is a Paradebeispiel. The Gebäude itself is in a Top Zustand, man without modernization,” said Donnerbauer.


Two of the three new castle owners Nils Schaich (left) and Patrick Donnerbauer, Geschäftsführer of DSG Anlageimmobilien GmbH.

Christian Eplinger

The Plane for the Schloss is no longer realistic. Insgesamt man from 45 Büroeinheiten – you can spend 23 m² to 300 m² – in the castle buy. Of course with a more modern and flexible Raumaufteilung that enables a glass fiber internet connection. The connection together with learning progress is available. There is an elevator for the triple castle and the two large Dachboden installations. “Allerdings mussen wir da noch genau hindschauen. Make sure you do your shopping. Insgesamt müssen Preis-Leistung passengers. “We make a lot of golden Käfig hereaus,” says Schaich.

We will enjoy it in the modern Wirtschaftshof, where the Hofcafé, a physiotherapist and the Seifen production are a fact. “We think that the duration of a small hotel or motel, which can then also be enjoyed at Veranstaltungen. It is one of the most important things: The Schloss Mitsamt Park and Kapelle are useless – so they are worthless for their openness as well as for their private transformations, which they can enjoy or enjoy. If woolen people want to see the kitchen, says Donnerbauer, the concrete, that is all the Wolfpassinger “ihre” Veranstaltungen with Theatersommer, Frühlingskonzert, Kunsthandwerk or Adventmarkt weiter in Schloss while playing. “We live in the castle – and share our common life”, underlines Donnerbauer.


This is the 13th anniversary of Schloss Wolfpassing with a new Besitzer.

Christian Eplinger

When it comes to the Gemeinde, of course, it is worth it to continue to enjoy the Schloss as a Mieter. Der Mietvertrag would form the new Besitzernübernommen. „That and that the Schloss weiter für Veranstaltungen were able to enjoy, is ours as a community naturally very important“, shows that the Wolfpassings Bürgermeister Friedrich Salzer (ÖVP), the new Schlossherren in der Vorwoche in seiner Gemeinde will come here.

Over the purchase price for an area of ​​17,000 m² with an area of ​​5,000 m² Utility area in the castle and Wirtschaftshof has united man Stillschweigen. “The instructions will invest more millions in the next three years, when these plans become woolen. And the woolen thread. When the castle was a long-term investment investment for the DSG Anlageimmobilien GmbH, Donnerbauer made the first investments with mining and investment interests in the last century.