
Had the Büchergilde am Leben stopped, Mr. Elspas?

Had the Büchergilde am Leben stopped, Mr. Elspas?

Herr Elspas said that he had rejected Leser when the book guild Gutenberg said no more, the Jubilarin short.
ALEXANDER ELSPAS: The Büchergilde is the only or existing Buchgemeinschaft in deutschsprachigen Raum. It is about the nachkriegszeit and again in the Sechziger- and Siebzigerjahren a whole Reihe von Buchgemeinschaften. The Büchergilde war vom Bildungsverband der Deutschen Buchdrucker 1924 was met with the Anliegen, Arbeitern – heute würde man sagen: bildungsferneren Schichten – de Zugang zum Buch und zu Bildung zu ermöglichen. Every day you stay with “the beautiful book”, also inhalte in creative Gestaltung, with us in the Mittelpunkt. It seems that the exclusivism for the illustrated title of the book is that the history of the brand is expressed in the form of art and illustrators. Another question is that a program can be made, a certain orientation to the infinity of the entire nose. This Vorhaben was supported by the Zahlreichen Mitglieder, our Buchgemeinschaft images. A Mitgliedschaft is said to be, four books in the year that it was written, it was possible to go as the hardcover original edition. When the world of the Wertigkeit and Gestaltung went out of Ausgaben, the Buchdrucker-Tradition was herrührt.