
Michael Kretschmer introduced himself

TAG24 has hit the Spitzenkansen of the Landtagswahl and a Lieblingsplätzen. Zum Abschluss der Serie: Michael Kretschmer of the CDU.

Dresden- I’ll be in Saxony on September 1st a new country chosen. TAG24 met the Australian states’ Spitzenkandidaten and their favorite spots. I talked about politics, was inspired, all my hobbies were promoted and it was a tag motivated by my work. To the end of the series: Michael Kretschmer (49) of the CDU.

One of the things that happens in nature: a certain moment for Michael Kretschmer (49, CDU), will probably be one of the best things.

One of the things that happens in nature: a certain moment for Michael Kretschmer (49, CDU), will probably be one of the best things. © Eric Munch

In Bad Schandau in Saxon Switzerland, there is a diet in Germany so that you can travel abroad. Massa experiences the road in the wildly romantic Kirnitzschtal. Ihrem Lauten Treiben will fly out Michael Kretschmer. And so it is one of the schmalen Pfad that is in the Richtung Kleiner Zschand führt.

“When I’m alone, I’ve only just left, that’s never known. I can have it super well, my nature is pressed into the welds. I’m a spirit then an egg and silent, then is often Trubel one of my herum”, said Saxony’s Government Chief.

Walking is his delight. Every now and then, if you look at the Terminplan, it is an alley in the Dresdner Heide and lets you through the Prießnitzgrund von Klotzsche in the Dresdner Neustadt.

Heftiges Wahlplakat in Sachsen aufgetaucht: MP Kretschmer hangs at Hakenkreuz!
Michael Kretschmer
Heftiges Wahlplakat in Sachsen aufgetaucht: MP Kretschmer hangs at Hakenkreuz!

“That’s a good thing. That’s a whole thing. That’s a total spirit,” said the Christian Democrat.

Those Spitzen Candidates in the Überblick

Kretschmer: “Mache meinen Job als Prime Minister Sachsens sehr, sehr gern”

First die, then the Vergnügen? Enjoy your visit quickly and safely in the Idyll of Saxon Switzerland.

First die, then the Vergnügen? Enjoy your visit quickly and safely in the Idyll of Saxon Switzerland. © Thomas Wine

Auf Schusters Rappen through the Kretschmer in the Elbe Sandstone and Zittau Mountains. “After all, we are happy with the Riesengebirge”, gestured by the MP. Sein Geheimtipp für eine Wanderung: der grüne Graben near Marienberg in the Erzgebirge.

Kretschmer may be the tippeln that the Ankommen in a Baude or Bergwirtschaft is. When you go on tour, it is more useful to look at “some pictures of your machine” and get information about your business.

A research is intended for the Alps. Who has there first as a student for his goal. “I would like to do an Alpenoverquerung so, so much”, reveals Michael Kretschmer. The route that goes to the head, is: From Königssee to the Three Cities is more likely.

"Björn Höcke is a neo-Nazi" – Kretschmer feuert scharf gegen die AfD!
Michael Kretschmer
“Björn Höcke is a neo-Nazi” – Kretschmer is a scharf against the AfD!

Trekking trauma in Neuseeland or overseas fascinations, aber locken ihn nicht. Kretschmer nutzt zum Krafttanken kurze Auszeiten – concrete and auf Sicht planted in Zeithorizont of his two years.

Long trips are possible with their work in the Land and the Bund, where they can do business. With a look at the Landtagswahl, there is no question of Kretschmer: “I am a good job as Prime Minister of Sachsen, I am very happy and I am able to continue fortification. I am strong, that is the CDU who is the strongest Kraft in the country”. The Wahlprogramm der Union heißt: Regierungsprogramm. This is the theme of Wirtschaft, Sicherheit and Leben.

Landtagswahl in Saxony: CDU will have less migration, more Polizei

The Prime Minister in conversation with TAG24 Editor Pia Lucchesi.

The Prime Minister in conversation with TAG24 Editor Pia Lucchesi. © Eric Munch

The CDU will abolish bureaucracy, increase the master bonus in crafts and invest in mobility and digital infrastructure. In energy supply, the focus is on safe business operations and the business operations of Strom. The Braunkohleausstieg is no longer applicable now, when health care is fought and the consequences for new jobs are taken.

Kretschmer will end migration, install 1000 new politicians, make a Saxony the safest federal state. You can always appeal to the general terms and conditions that are debt-free.

Family will die with a “Sachsengeld” at purchase of the first own real estate. Outside will be free of charge for Eltern, Großeltern and Children in state museums establish.

Michael Kretschmer thought that Sorge was a fact, that Sachsen was removed from the government after the Wahl. “A strong man dies in the Landesoorlog and secures stability. Therefore woolen thread a Sachsenwahl and no Wahl, the von Berliner Themen best world.”

Swimming in a boat: MP Kretschmer and Tom Liebscher-Lucz, racing Olympians in Kanu, paddling on the Elbe.

Swimming in a boat: MP Kretschmer and Tom Liebscher-Lucz, racing Olympians in Kanu, paddling on the Elbe. © photo alliance/dpa

Michael Kretschmer: After 15 years the Bundestag went after Sachsen

Michael Kretschmer comb 1975 in Görlitz zur Welt. Erlernte de Beruf des Büroinformationselektronikers, erwarb auf dem zweiten Bildungsweg de Fachhochschulreife and studyrte an der HTW Dresden Wirtschaftstechniciwesen.

From 2002 to 2017, the Bundestag became a war (from 2005) Generalsekretär der Sächsischen Union. After Stanislaw Tillich’s Rücktritt in December 2017, the Office of the Prime Ministers became the Landesparteivorsitz.

Kretschmer lives in Dresdenis hereditary and how childish.