
Erste Schätzungen: Empire lays Zahlen zum jüngsten Quartal vor | 28.08.24

Empire was informed on 12.09.2024 of the financial conference of the Zahlenwerk zum Jüngsten Quartal, which ended on 31.07.2024.

I won 6 analysts a quarter turn with a value of 0.890 CAD. In the previous quarter the company had no profit of 1.04 CAD as a part of the business.

The quarter issued an Empire in Schnitt worth 8.10B CAD – there are 4 analysts in Durchschnitt. Demnach das Unternehmen den Umsatz im Vergleich zum Vorjahresviertel, in dem 8.08 Billiarden CAD erwirtschaftet were, um 0.24 Prozent gesteigert.

For the financial analysis of 6 analysts in the term with a profit of 3.01 CAD, gegenüber 2.92 in the previous period. The results are estimated by 6 analysts based on 31.13 billion CAD estimates, after 30.73 billion CAD were generated.

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