
Musikstar never saves time

Musikstar never saves time

Fee alias Felix Jaehn will be on August 28. 30 Jahre alt. It is a musical and personal path of the best music stars.

The well-known DJ musician Felix Jaehn made his musical breakthrough in 2015. When the road is open, there are no more hits and careers. Costs, the new name will no longer be used in April 2024, but can make a personal journey over the years.

From small villages on large Bühnen

“Besides that I’m still alive, I’ll be with 15, 16 of the Geburtstagsparties von Freunden angefangen habe, Musik zu machen”, said Fee in the Talk format “Süß und deftig” in April 2024 on the musical Anfänge Jaehns zurück. “Damals have created a playlist, Musikstreaming has never been like this. I noticed that the power of the myrtle is gone and that the first controller has been stolen.” With three friends and the Bruder brothers, they created a DJ team in Hamburg and play their best Abiparties, Dorffeste and Hochzeiten in Norddeutschland.

Jaehn goes to the debt for a year in London and has made some “music productions, made mixtapes and started a soundcloud channel with bootlegs, and also never made automatic remixes.” These are the first songs of “Fix You” by Coldplay and “Another Love” by Tom Odell. 2015 continues with the Jaehns DJ quality. The remix of the songs “Cheerleader” (on the website of Jaehn appeared in 55 Ländern Platz 1) and the cover of “Ain’t Nobody (Loves Me Better)” (in 36 Ländern on Platz 1) became weltweit zu Hits. In Germany there are choirs for the summer hit 2015 appeared. This next commercial collaboration with the possibility of Künstlern with Mark Forster, Herbert Grönemeyer, Vize, Robin Schulz, Ray Dalton, Calum Scott, Katja Krasavice or Leony and Auftritte at major festivals such as Tomorrowland and Parookaville.

Process of self-discovery

When the music penetrates, it is not as if the fragments were created after one’s own sexual arousal. “I myself was also unsafe in my identity,” Jaehn states in “Süß und deftig.” “In a cis-heteronormative world, it is then the leader who takes over.”

I am an interview with the “ZEITmagazin” of Jaehn 2018, a first impression of the personal sexual orientation. An inner “conflict” has Jaehn demnach in the vergangenheit while he stands for a festive inspiration. “Mal war ich eher an Mädchen interestestiert, male eher an Jungs.” It is a fact that a morning is challenged and that he is in Klaren, “was a will of his own”. If you have never been in the fall, the star of the time of your bisexual situation is a fact.

2019 setzte Jaehn auch in der Musik ein Zeichen der Selbstakzeptanz. “‘Love on Myself’ is a song that I see in my heart, we will be a Selbstliebe and Selbstakzeptanz”, as the star “EDM Den”. “In the Vergaanheit war das, wie der Text sagt, ein Kampf für mich. I am froh, dass das jetzt nicht mehr der Fall ist and ich my positive Energy and my History with the World parts can. Hoffentlich can I ich many other dazu inspiring , you will be able to live and enjoy your life, and you will be happy to receive such recognition.”

The album “Breathe” from 2021 began with the search for self-knowledge and the path to mental health. “I have known my self-knowledge. I have my panic attacks and scary hints about my welding work,” Jaehn said in September 2021 in an interview with a spot on news. “I have seen the filter of my head, see the world with clear eyes, with a different opinion. Now I am a fundamentally relaxed and happy person.” Meditation and a monastery stay have a therapeutic effect, including with hypnosis. “I have so many problems with my mental health that I have been able to find answers to them. If you are still a young person, you have a reflection and an idea of ​​how to approach life with Freud can handle.’

A name has been created for the music project

Since 2023 you can see the Bambi and mehrmals as “Bester Dance Act” with the 1 Live Krone a great star in the social media with changing look. In September 2023, Jaehn said in an interview with the “Faces”-Magazin: “I have ended up being a new year in my own life. After having lived for 28 years, I have lived in my life, I am so happy, and so I am there and socialized.” Wurde, galt dieser Stil als ‘weiblich’, en es klang immer nach ‘das kann ich als Mann nicht’.” But Jaehn can find a good solution. “Of course, the risks that we have created or that have become so great that it has become more likely that people in the community will stop ending the identity of queer people.” Jaehn has taken care of awareness and themes of racism, sexism and homophobia. “Leader may have no idea of ​​the privilege, sich in a Club- or Festivalumgebung sicher zu fühlen. I think it is possible to get an idea of how further, in the hope, that is how it can be, and it is so.”

In June 2023, Fee wrote on Instagram: “If there is a healthy relationship, you can create stereotypes that will not affect your passengers, and that you will be able to erase them, so we have a positive relationship with all shapes. Willst, solange du alle others een freeis, sicheres und glückliches Leben führen lässt.”

In April 2024, Jaehn began with his own pansexuality as a sexual orientation, among those who had a profession or an identity identity, and recognized that people emerged in the talk format “Süß und deftig”: “I am happy with the Names Fee, weil ich Unter die nichtbinären Menschen gegangen bin and einen geschlechtneutralen Namen haben möchte.” Das Musikprojekt bleibe jedoch Felix Jaehn, “das true fell zu compliziert, alles zu ändern. Aber wenn du mich ansprichst, darfst du gerne Fee sagen.” In the Selbstbetrachtung, the artist’s name has become “immer more zu an Artist project, a single artistic figure, a single öffentlichen Person”. “I can abduct a bischer from Private. Everything that was pure in Felix Jaehn is an honest and authentic, but it does not have to be pure and I also have other projects.” “dey/denen” see compensations or “the people can a use my name, one of the things you can do is reconcile and respect me”.

And what were the reactions to Jaehn’s new Auftreten? “I have been marked by this last year, in which I am so happy, and have learned more and more political statements in the future, which I also post a few Hundert FollowerInnen verliere”, it is worth it “Süß und deftig” Interview. Dadurch feels like most of alleine’s haters and comments are empty. “You can’t find more information on the page, but if you don’t have one, you can’t lose it. It’s also possible to get rid of it.” There is no toxic maskulinität in the commercial music industry. One of Jaehn’s Antriebe is deshalb, “weiter Gas is geben und de Plattform zu nutzen, auch other Leute mitzuziehen” und etwa door de Gründung eines Labels, queere Freunde mit auf die Reise zu nehmen. “I think my position in the world is clear.” I am a private person who then kidnaps Jaehn manchmal into the “left-queer-feminist Bubble, um mich selber aufzuload and weiter zu wait”.

Felix Jaehn nimmt sich Zeit, um zu heilen

Am Tag vor seinem 30. Geburtstag veröffentlichte Jaehn a moving post on Instagram: Schon seit einiger Zeit habe Jaehn “verheimlicht, dass es mir innerlich nicht geht”. The musician himself had first become aware of the “Ausmaß des Schmerzes”, after all his professional support in the future. It is the DJ who says “verletzlich, um aufzutreten”. All types of plants can be washed in a different way. It is one of the “Zeit, seit zuruhen. Es ist Zeit zu heilen”.

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