
Damit buys the Scheune Bollewick mightily Ärger

Damit buys the Scheune Bollewick mightily Ärger

The Einwohnerschaft of Bollewick is a great find in its attraction: If the largest Feldsteinscheune in Europe the imposing Gebäude in every season Türen sees. Although the stones often take a month for the shifting of the Türen – and finding something that is not cheerful.

Urlauber stehen enttäuscht form Scheunentor

So who is Tanja and Dirk Thies from the Nähe von Hamburg. If you are staying in a hotel near Röbel, you can view one of the offers on a flyer of the schedule. “If I have the Sonntagvormittag an der Feldsteinscheune ankamen, we must have feststellen, that is the Gebäude geschlossen”, says Tanja Thies. “Davon is not in the information brochure at all.”

Because this is the case, the mayor of Bollewick, Antje Styskal, says in an interview with the Noord-Koerier: “The war is a Mehrheitsentscheidung der Mieter, who with that wish on the Scheunenmanagement and my Zugekommen Sind.” It is no longer the case that soft drinks are popular, but soft drinks are one of the best drinks in the Grunde that is no longer as tasty as it goes.

And then the Entscheidung – aus diesem Grund

So if you have a joint session for a year, the dividing line is dissolved by quitting. Zwar hätte auch der Vorschlag im Raum gestanden, een alles Tag als Ruhettag auszuwählen, aber de Entscheidung sei schließlich auf de Sonntag gefallen. “Für uns as Gemeinde, der die Scheune ja gehört, ist das ebenfalls practical”, known as Styskal. Then see if the offices are closed. If you activate the Scheunenmanagement, the cleaning staff and the Schließdienst. But in Erz gegossen sei die Sonntagsschließung nicht. If brands or other versions undergo a status change, most people will fall into their charging flow.

Bollewick's Bürgermeisterin Antje Styskal möchte nach eigener Aussage die Attraktivität der größten Feldscheune Europas.

Bollewick’s Bürgermeisterin Antje Styskal möchte nach eigener Aussage die Attraktivität der größten Feldscheune Europas. (Photo: Michael Grote)

Für und Wider – both Seiten gibt es

Be careful not to take the new regulation into account. The views of the people who were on the Nordkurier were indistinguishable. If you read the names at that time in the time of the lesson, the war in the future can no longer be caused by the fragments. The design could be stopped on the days, let out of the farmyard. Negative, this is not the case. It seems that another story is different. Dort ist man with the divorce to Sunday closing also a half year after this change not happy. Even more so, if you take the trouble to experience the attractiveness of the landscape as a tourist attraction – and the photos are now one of the most important customers, most of the seasons. Die Scheune stops an Ausflugsziel and became – gerade am Wochenende – tradition of bus tourists.

What was planted in the future is

The Scheune weiter zu belive, bemühe man sich indes durchaus, betont the Bürgermeisterin. That is not the case, but the location for events with a high time-lapse – wovon and die Mieter in der Scheune makes profitable profits, from the gastronomy to his flower drawers. Various brands and a community day in the region are a celebration. The municipality has a trade association with the Volkshochschule bezüglich der Scheune as a location for courses closed. If you see the Scheune, you see a Zeit “Mint” standard. It is a fact that you end up in the natural environment of the Schülerinnen and Schüler zu machen. Here is an indisputable regulatory arrangement, with the concern of the intensification in the direction of the debt burden. An “Open-Neulandtag” in the Herbstferien was supposedly bien. “I am aware of the images since all my thoughts in the diagram have been fully loaded, with my own ideas”, with thanks to Antje Styskal from Input.

Wunsch: Regelmäßige Mieterversammlungen

If the woolen people refuse on a small road, it is clear that the defilement in this line becomes a very attractive representation of the angel. There is only one thing that can bring more internal communication. Regular collections together with the management are in this view desirable.