
Schulstart – Gießhübls Schuldirektor: „Wir sind ein offenes Haus“

Schulstart – Gießhübls Schuldirektor: „Wir sind ein offenes Haus“

NÖN: Who pre-ordered the new Schuljahr?

Thomas Krenn: It can never be otherwise. Of course it is a question of overloading. The working conditions are super advanced and of agricultural betrieb that fall outside the rules of nature and the Arbeitsablaufes.

Who is most interested in the LFS Gießhübl? Who is the Schülerzahlen?

Krenn: Since we have taken a look at the large interest and the good Andrang zu our own home. There is still no small scaffolding of the registration. We will be heavily indebted to 225 young women and men who want to see our debt in the Regelfall. Darüber has two Classes Facharbeiterausbildung – Landwirtschaft and Betriebs- and Haushaltsmanagement – with approximately 40 Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmern and even more that Meisterausbildung and various courses.

How do you set yourself up as director? Gibt es Schwerpunkte?

Krenn: Souls lie in the further development, our most common teams in the house and in the joint work with the various hours of work in the rural area. We are open for producers and consumers! See what the area in the motor region is. Our power points lie in the education and further education of agriculturally oriented persons, as well as the opportunity for education, information and idea generator for all interests. Polarizations can no longer occur and the way in which production is produced is made freer and easier. It is a violation of the house and its enjoyment, which are so good and free from the production, the production and the sale of foodstuffs that are interesting.

Do you need a major adjustment?

Krenn: At this time, our newly built garden area finds itself in the construction final. If the garden house is one of the most important and important, it is a good idea to use a garden house and an outdoor kitchen. In a few other cases, there will be an event in the planning and development phase.