
Felix Jaehn’s Birthday: The DJ has been given a new lease of life | Content

Felix Jaehn’s Birthday: The DJ has been given a new lease of life | Content

Seine House music is popular in the goose country. Am 28. Augustus wird Felix Jaehn 30 Jahre alt. BILD looks at the careers of star DJs.

Felix Jaehn was born on August 28, 1994 in Hamburg and born in Boltenhagen in the neighborhood of Rostock on. Früh discovert is a leading music school, which begins with changing fun years of playing and starting as a teenager electronic music for his.

At the age of 16, the Hamburg native started his first Erfolge as DJ and was booked for Club-Auftritte. With 17 years Jaehn got his Abitur and then went to London, a DJ torch and knowledge in music production and a music school for starters.

Felix Jaehn at Telekom Open Air in Bonn

Felix Jaehn at Telekom Open Air in Bonn

Photo: Christoph Hardt/Panama Pictures/picture alliance

Study the Künstler Kurzzeitig BWL in Berlin and bring his first Song heraus. Under the following title: The remix of Omis “Cheerleader” from the Jamaika-catapults Felix Jaehn into music.

Der Track has become a summer hit and is now off the charts in Germany, somewhere in the US, UK and approx. 20 weeks Landern.

Felix Jaehn has an international career as a DJ and music producer

Felix Jaehn has an international career as a DJ and music producer

Photo: Eventpress Hoensch/photo alliance

The second track featured a cover version of Rufus and Chaka Khan’s 2015 chart-topping hit “Ain’t Nobody (Loves Me Better).” Further songs such as “Book Of Love,” “Bonfire,” or “Stimme” (with Mark Forster) power of production as part of the international music world.

2016 Wurde der Musiker mit eenem Bambi in the “Entertainment” category. I am a producer of Jaehn zeemmen mit Herbert Grönemeyer and Mitgliedern der DFB-Fußballnationalmannschaft the Mannschaftsong “Jeder für Jeden” for the harmful Fußball-EM.

You can find this position on Instagram

Um mit Inhalten aus Instagram und oth er socialen Netzwerken are interacting of diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

2023 Jaehn zum zweiten Mal from Universal Music received a Diamond Award for the hit single “Ain’t Nobody (Loves Me Better)” is one of the most young German artists to emerge. Mittlerweile hat der Deutsche über 100 Mal Gold und Platin erreicht.

Private is the artist’s but still waiting, so Jaehns Coming out as bisexual in the year 2018 Fans and the average age. We follow the performance of the single ‘Love On Myself’ and the announcement, which is particularly noticeable LGBTQ-Municipal registrations.

Felix Jaehn during the 27th Festlichen Operngala 2023 for the Deutsche Aids Stiftung

Felix Jaehn during the 27th Festlichen Operngala 2023 for the Deutsche Aids-Stiftung

Photo: Nicole Kubelka/Geisler-Fotopress/picture alliance

2021 we will be happy, with a man to let you know, details about your person and their current status remain secret.

In April 2024, a sequel Coming out will follow in the YouTube show “Süß und deftig”, whatever the case the music player is not identified. If the name is known, the name is used, but the name Felix is ​​used as a pseudonym.

BILD wishes everything good until 30. Geburtstag!