
Aktien Frankfurt Ausblick: Dax wenig moves

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – After all, your little ones will come alive am Mittwoch zunächst wohl little. Nvidia’s (NASDAQ:) U.S. Chip-Chip Analysis der een Trendsetter van de Boomthemas Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist.

Tags that the Dax would first leave the Mark of 18,700 dollars in July, would now be on the market. If you start the rate of the money, the Dax starts to grow quickly. If you set the Vorstoß in the direction of record high from May at 18,892 points, this would depend on the Nvidia signals. The Dax still depends on its correct trend from the record and its decline to mid-July.

The X-Dax deuts für de deutschen Leitindex am Mittwochmorgen rund eine Stunde vor dem Handelsstart ein smalls Plus von gut 0,1 Prozent auf 18,710 Punkte an. Auch der Eurozonen-Leitindex there will be no more light.

Among the individual values ​​stood out for the Aktien von Aroundtown (ETR:) with former Kursgewinnen. The commercial real estate specialist writes black red numbers again in the first half year. Before the employee performs his work over the years, this is a matter of insight. The management now estimates 2024 an ergebnis nun 290 to 320 Millionen Euro and a fact that I have put an end to the Spanne jewels, more than a Millionen Euro more.

Ebenfalls a Blick was a Delivery Hero (ETR:) . Der Chefwechsel bei Delivery-Hero-Großaktionär Prejudices (AS:) wecke Fusions- and overarching fantasies, writes JPMorgan expert Marcus Diebel. Most of the European essence is more and more in fashion, but the end of the gewinnschwelle is that there is a problem and a barmittelzuflüsse.