
Israel started Großeinsatz in West Jordanland – sieben Tote

Israel started Großeinsatz in West Jordanland – sieben Tote

I am Westjordanland, come to the Conflicts. The Israeli army started a big operation. All Entwicklungen in Newsblog.

07.55 am: The Israeli army has launched a major operation in West Jordan overnight. After the military has launched counter-terrorist attacks in the northern city-states and Tulkarem, the high-ranking Palestinian civilian soldiers are dying. Media reports about the battle against the army no longer have infantry, but also drones and rifles, the infrastructure with bulldozers and the sämtliche Zufahrtswege to Dschenin.

In Dzhenin two people were shot and more were injured, according to the Health Ministry in Ramallah. There is mention of the Palestinian police officer Wafa two more totes at a drone attack of the Israeli military on a refugee camp next to the Ortschaft Tuba – and then again three totes at another drone attack on a vehicle south of Dzhenin. It is clear that the fight is against a militant Palestinian, but it is unclear. The army’s power will not contain any details about your deployment.

The messages that followed were a major military operation, “Al-Dschasira” began to have a major attack on the Israeli army in the North of West Jordan for more than 20 years. The Arab sender would have attacked the soldiers to other people in the refugee district Nur Schams in Tulkarem with guns and sprengsätzen. Additional stops are also planned in other areas in Westjordanland.

The agents who report Wafa, a large number and a military army are after the rule of Dzhenin. “Al-Dzhasira” will leave the city. The Israeli news site “ynet” said that persons sought by the security forces were captured in refugee districts in Dzhenin and Tulkarem. Israeli and Palestinian media ensure that the Einsatzkräfte are used on hospital houses in both cities and blocking hospital vans. The army that exercises control over the clinic, a prevention, that the armed forces entrench themselves, reported “ynet”.

2.08 hours: In clashes with an Israeli military army in the city of Denmark in western Jordan, the palestinian has become one of the most popular people ever. Those who both see in the night that Schüsse becomes, will be more Verletzte, teilte das Gesundheitsministerium in Ramallah with. Because it is a militant Palestinian trade, the war is unclear.

The Israeli army has launched anti-terror efforts on Platform The palästinensische nachrichtagentur Wafa reports a large Anzahl and a military army is after the Dschenin hineingefahren. Laut der Israeli Nachrichtenseite “ynet” sollen von de Sicherheitskräften geuchte Personen in Flüchtlingsvierteln of both Orte festgenommen were.