
Matthias Bohn fährt gutes Running

Matthias Bohn fährt gutes Running

Melle. Erfolgreicher Ausflug in den Niedersächsischen Südrand: Bei einem Radlopen in Melle schnitten sowohl RSC-„Urgestein“ Matthias Bohn (Masters 4/Fahrer 59 Jahre en älter) als Rieke Möllering at de Frauen ergolgreich ab. With the Platz three for Bohn and Rang fünf für Möllering, the activity of the RSC and that Tag is the maximum of the possible heraus.

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Two high Bohn contacts

Senior Radsporter Matthias Bohn hates Masters 4-Run over 41 Kilometers with both sides Bekannten zu tun: Bernd Schmelz from TSV Ippinghausen (Hessen) and Jens Matzel from Saxon RFC Markkleeberg were with the Swiss Meisterschaft on the Platze two and three fahren. Watch how Rennen plays in its own league. “Während ich in der Woche sechs Tage meinem beuf nachgehe, sitzen die jeden Tag auf dem Rad and trainieren”, power Bohn die unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen auch in dieser Altersklasse deutlich. It said: Given that both of them are not, it did not work out.

Next step: At the high wind speed in Melle Matthias Bohn in the Masters 4-Class a more time in Treppchen.

Next step: At the high wind speed in Melle Matthias Bohn in the Masters 4-Class a more time in Treppchen.

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So then come on the ultra-fast course in Melle with very well-doable curves. If you have power over the start of the start, “if you no longer aim, you can’t overstrain either”, then use tactics. When Matzel and Schmelz go into the air, it is a matter of pausing. “I still haven’t made any effort to go out in the war of Ofen. Then both were gone, and I had mich auf de Kampf een Platz drei concentrated.”

The 59-year-old power is on the road with a quartet of strong groups, which are harmonious. “Everything I’ve done is a sprinter, and I’ve seen, who I’ve tried too.” With attacking attacks from Sven Harter (KMO Team) and Markus Wellner (Steria Cycling) in the Schlussrunde noch, Bohn “out of the Push” as it is, the Nienburger reacts softly and no longer lies anyone away.

On the Zielgerade, the Weserstädter followed the Spurt der Gruppe früh an. “If the Sonne is directly visible from the comb, I can both see and walk on the treasures of others, that is not a locker. I have to see his very last meter, a schließlich op Platz drei vor Harter und Wellner reinzukommen“ – and that is even more in those Saison, Sieger Matzel and Schmelz (Zweiter) on the Siegertreppchen z’n lands.

Rieke Möllering as Einzelkämpferin

Rieke Möllering started ebenso wie Bohn as RSC-Einzelkämpferin in a large Startfield against Fahrerinnen, who were in umfangreichen Teams unterwegs. A high speed has been reached over the ebenfalls 41 km, and the Nienburger has to follow the distance between the distances. “All of the Siena Garden Team from Münster were eight Fahrerinnen at Start, who were increasingly attacking. Often there is talk of war as the only one, then wear the Löcher-zugefahren hat.”

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Mittendrin statt nur dabei: Rieke Möllering setzte in Melle after two weeks Pause auf de Zielsprint en war at Platz 5 am Ende more as zfrieden.

Mittendrin statt nur dabei: Rieke Möllering setzte in Melle after two weeks Pause auf de Zielsprint en war at Platz 5 am Ende more as zfrieden.

Möllering for a very impressive race and always positioned himself in the front quarter of the pelotons. He himself says that he has power over his own sin: “I have had a good training and can not give the other teams of the other teams a chance. Zudem war es sehr windig.”

As Einzelkämpferin the Übermacht: Gegen das Team Siena Garden from Münster (hell Trikots), RSC-Fahrerin Rieke Möllering (Mitte) must notice his brand.

As Einzelkämpferin the Übermacht: Gegen das Team Siena Garden from Münster (hell Trikots), RSC-Fahrerin Rieke Möllering (Mitte) must notice his brand.

If this is a tactic: the field is tense and set on the Endspurt. The blow and the Nienburger sprint schließlich on Rang fünf. „I have actually noticed that, that is the last punch effect. Others feel that they are so soft when they wonder, the war is no more. I would love to be with you for a while!”