
Renault Trucks launches the eTruckathon

Renault Trucks launches the eTruckathon

Renault Trucks will not have any other teams with a Renault Trucks E-Tech T Sattelzugmaschine (SZM) at the eTruckathon on September 5, 2024. If this event occurs during a 300-kilometer journey, all electric loads will be made a real condition, so the recounter.

During the Truckathon of E.ON Drive, several teams started a demonstration event with Elektro- en Wasserstoff-Lkw in Essen zum IAA-Gelände in Hannover. The 300 kilometer long stretch extends over Autobahnen and Bundesstraßen. Soul is the same, “the praxistauglichkeit full electric motor vehicle with all the necessary safety requirements”. Renault Trucks is bringing an E-Tech T Sattelzugmaschine to the start, supporting Renault Trucks from “”, which will prepare a suitable trailer.

Frederic Ruesche, Geschäftsführer of Renault Trucks Deutschland, says about the event. “With our Renault Trucks E-Tech T ‘Diamond Echo’ it is possible that our fully electric sattelzugmaschine is long-lasting. The Fahrzeug toured Europe in 2024, covering 10,000 kilometers and making 60 stops. The eTruckathon offers the right conditions, but a long-term practicality is essential.”