
“Weg zur Kreislaufwirtschaft is an alternative

“Weg zur Kreislaufwirtschaft is an alternative

On the grim future of Nachhaltigkeit in Wirtschaftsleben hat Umwelt- und Klimaschutzstaatsekretär Dr. Steffen Eichner am Mittwoch, 28.08.2024 at Innovationsforum der Initiative „Recyclingregion Harz“ und der Hochschule Harz in Wernigerode Hingewiesen.

0828 Steffen Eichner“Economic risk is heavy; with more resources it is not possible to decouple the sources. In products, in the critical raw materials of lithium, cobalt or selenium, it is not an efficient repair process with consequences for recycling. The path to a real circular economy is strengthened, but an alternative, it may be that there is no unbridled paint and the import of imports with respectable risks for the safety of care is connected. “

Eichner welcomes in this Zusammenhang the von der EU Mitte Juni verabschiedete Ökodesign-Verordnung. “The combined life cycle of the products must be able to be taken into account, which means that both repairs may be possible with a limited number of resources and that they can benefit from their usefulness. As the quality of the material increases, the materials are reused for a long time, making repairs and recycling possible in focus.”

With a look at the fragment “Repair or recycle?” the government bond started the repair atlas at the Anfang August in Saxony-Anhalt. The new online platform offers an interactive map that provides an excellent overview of repairs and innovative initiatives in the region, which are filtered by status and filtered. You can reassure the people in Saxony-Anhalt a little and choose an alternative for your company to electronic or electronic information.

For more functions in the economy, the start of the “AURA Award for sustainable business” of the Environment Ministry 2024 has begun, which will take place in the first phase of the war.

The first prize winner is the cement repairer Ecoment from Schkopau; the company has taken on a patented patent, with the full-fledged CO2-frei hergestellt werden kann. If you want to do a research and a glass of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann on a video film, you will receive an amount of 3,000 euros for the AURA Award for a nachhaltig produced secret Holz. That year we only came out with the “AURA Award” once; the next Bewerbungsrunde started at the end of October.

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