
Everfuel: Paukenschlag in der Wasserstoff-Branche – Aktienanalyse (Der Aktionär)

Everfuel: Paukenschlag in der Wasserstoff-Branche – Aktienanalyse (Der Aktionär)

Kulmbach ( – Everfuel-Aktienanalysis of “Der Aktionär”:

Michel Doepke from the magazine “Der Aktionär” has done an active stock analysis of the stock of Everfuel A/S (ISIN: DK0061414711, WKN: A2QGNH, Ticker-Symbol: 0HR) under the Lupe.

Drumbeat in the Water Industry: For the one-time Nel-Beteiligung Everfuel, Faro BidCo ApS, an indirect subsidiary, an infrastructure investment fund of Swiss Life Management AG, is an umbrella organization. Gerade Anleger, it will take longer at Everfuel and Bord, but it won’t be long now.

The investment fund has a value of 13 NOK (Norwegian Kroner, about 1.11 Euro) for Everfuel-Aktie. It is a matter of 53% of the savings on the Freitag which obtains a price of 47.5% on the volume weights of 30 days.

Everfuel’s three major companies, EF Holding (controlled by Everfuel CEO Jacob Krogsgaard), HvVC ApS and the Clean H2 Infra Fund, will die in the summer and 75% of Australian Everfuel’s assets will be held globally, while most other companies will.
If the Übernahmeangebot is successful, Everfuel will be valued at 1.12 billion NOK (approx. 96 million euros). If you click on the long-awaited map, it is so that there is now no more action that is offered for free, but it is not as long as Everfuel is active.

The financial overview is so large that the infrastructure fund is managed during the interest and water assets and the investments seem attractive. A larger Impulse looks like an offer for other Scandinavian Water assets with Nel, Cavendish Hydrogen, PowerCell or Hexagon Purus indes nicht zijn erwarten.

A higher level of fuel for Everfuel is not probable, so that the large anticipation effects in your Zustimmung signal can occur. Among the generated speculative values, the paper of Hexagon Purus is the best chance-risk-manufacture. The Gesellschaft that starts on the Kurs is examined in 2024 and 2025. Other suppliers can use a larger power in the Everfuel action. It is stopped with a price of 0.60 euros, so Michel Doepke has put the magazine “Der Aktionär” in an active Aktienanalyse. (Analysis of 28.08.2024)

You can find information about the conflict of interest offensive in the context of Directive 2014/57/EU and the EU statement dissemination under the following link.

Börsenplätze Everfuel promotion:

Tradegate Promotion Everfuel Promotion:
EUR 1,078 +51.40% (28.08.2024, 11:25)

Euronext Oslo Action Course Everfuel Action:
12.68 NOK +49.18% (28.08.2024, 11:17)

ISIN Everfuel Promotion:

WKN Everfuel campaign:

Everfuel Action Ticker Symbol:

Euronext Oslo-Symbol Everfuel Promotion:

Short profile Everfuel A/S:

Everfuel (ISIN: DK0061414711, WKN: A2QGNH, Ticker-Symbol: 0HR, Euronext Oslo-Symbol: EFUEL), 2017 gegründet, is een in Denmark ansässiges reines Wasserstoffunternehmen, das die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette for green Wasserstoffbaut , integrated and optimized . The company covers and concerns washer dust production (electrolysis), sales and tank systems and provides knowledge of the mobility sector and industry in the Rahmen long-term production of wet bewerbsfähigen, commercial clauses with washer dust. (28.08.2024/ac/a/a)

Opening up of possible interest conflicts:

Conflicts of interest can be found on the site of the counters/of the request for an analysis.