
Bruckner Salon in Windhaag offers a fantastic opening net

Bruckner Salon in Windhaag offers a fantastic opening net

WIND HEDGE. The opening of the Anton Bruckner Salons will take place in the Vermittlungsraumes Bruckner17 on Sunday, September 1, with a big party.

The party starts at 11 am on the market place with musical music by the feuerwehrmuziekkapelle, the brass group and by the Windhaager-geignmusi. Anschließend targeted Initiatorin Irmgard Maria Quass, Bürgermeister Martin Kapeller, Leider-Obmann-Stellvertreter Josef Naderer und Ausstellungsgestalter Christoph H. Benedikter Grußworte und de Besucher. The Künstlerische Leiter der KulturExpo Norbert Trawöger and Landeshauptmann Thomas Stelzer have fallen at Gast. After the festive Festzug zur Alten Schule with Deacon Julian Gillesberger spend the time for the House.

Tag der crimes Tür und Sonderpostamt

After the opening (around 12 o’clock) you will find a day of attack with a program of the Vereins Anton Bruckner Salon statt. I was spoken to quass-familienmitgliedern, with the Ausstellungsgestalter, with the musicvermittlerin Edith “Eche” Wregg and with Heimatforschern, sowie information about your full time (13 to 16 o’clock) and many more boats. The children’s/family bot with the smartphone is probably interesting: you can get interested in an info tour with the hublz app on the Spuren Anton Bruckners in Windhaag with “Anton and the detective”.

Special letter marks and culinary marks

From 10 am to 2 pm the post office in the GBC is closed and has a special Marken to Erwerb one. Ganztägig is the Ausstellung „Traxler3: Gemälde and Photography“ in GBC to see. At 11am there will be a sale by Ahoi Street Food, Kaffee and Kuchen at GBC. At 18 p.m. you will find the Bruckner Salon with Norbert Trawöger statt, Erwachsene und Kinder since zur Eröffnung der Alten Schule herezlich willkommen. The Feuerwehrmusikkapelle plays from 10:30 am on the Marktplatz and from 12 noon to 2 pm. The Ausstellungsraum Bruckner17 is the end of October from 9 a.m. to 19 p.m. Fridaygänglich, Vermittlungprogramma for schools: [email protected]