
Was Ihre Filmvorlieben über Ihr Gehirn verraten

Was Ihre Filmvorlieben über Ihr Gehirn verraten

Crime, Action, Comedy or other Doku? A study that has done research is one of the best movies that is found and insulted in the past.

Do you see an explosive action movie or a critique in a minute? A new study from the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) said that the Wahl film genres of the darlings can occur a little in the functional operation of the film genres. Part of the action and crime thriller fans is that they are no longer separated.

Film is more than just content. You feel yourself during a back-track of emotions. “The great journey of filming is, that is nothing more than all human emotions taken away, among other things can be solved. Negative emotions such as fear or fear play a central role in some films”, says Esther Zwiky of the Institute for Psychology of the MLU in a press conference. If there is war, it may be that there are films with the negative emotions in the film.

In one of the following analyses you will find an analysis of the Forscher data of 257 people. These are about their favorite movie genres and their sister with the help of the magnetic resonance tomography (fMRT) function on their gehirnaktiväten are derived. If you are in the MRT layer, you can see the content of a geometric shape – a way to test the message of the emotional representation in the heart.

Two emotional states in focus: if the sensory center can be the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala. Letztere is for mild emotional reactions and can cause a depression and exclude a campfire or flight reaction.

The results were extreme: there were strong reactions in both Hirnarealen said themselves among fans of action films. “That what has not happened is that the action film is generally not so attractive. Therefore is a bad choice, the Actionfans are not so irritable”, Zwiky continued. Statistics that are very important, are these persons who are sensitive to emotional resuscitation and the stimulation of this stimulation as they develop.

A fun activity is possible for fans of comedy films. Otherwise hinge at Anhängern von Krimis, Thrillern and Dokumentationen: Here both ranges in Gehirn react less than with the other groups on the emotional journey. “It is so that man radiates the film genres, that he gets optimal stimuli”, is the Fazit der Forscher.

If there are action movies or comedy movies, you can also make a strong bed movie after an intense emotional experience. Days when people with one of the previous criticisms and documentations experience a deep and analytical Herangehensweise an emotional experience.