
The Biggest PS5 Flop of the Year

The Biggest PS5 Flop of the Year

Concord has reached its highest position and games directly on the release date. Only 697 players can play the shooter on PC with a playful display. That is the end of the Spieler-Peak of Gollum, the flop of the years 2023. It is a Concord that brings the biggest release of the young generation. Even Redfall and the most successful Suicide Squad are active with around 6000 viewings 13,500 games substantially higher values.

If we look at the rendering of the game, it seems like we can only play games and never play games again on the Sony console. But even then the title should not be an absolute sales hit.

It’s never been so good when we’ve ever had a fringe fact to speak of: Concord (buy now €34.99) / € 35,99 ) War Laut Lead Character Designer Jon Weisnewski spent eight years on the film and has been given the title of Rumors that is said to have earned over $50 million in German. It’s a beeindruckende Zahlen.

Who knows, maybe it will come to that?

Now but to the roots, why is Concord so bad. Live-Service-Games and 5-vs-5-Shooter are both fun, with the Concord in the Verbindung brought a video game enthusiast no more to euphoria. The game costs less than 40 euros and the first problem can be programmed.

Concord has entered the Hero-Shooter market, it would be great a year later. Overwatch 2, Paladins, Valorant, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, Team Fortress 2 are now one of the best genres. If you make it clear, Concord is no longer with a game in the Spieler-streitet.

Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch 2 still don’t allow you to use a Hero Shooter, but Concord is the teammate that offers various play modes and hero videos. Especially in the fall of Team Fortress 2, these videos are a piece of art Youtube history.

Concord gameplay

Source: Sony

In the fight against Concord, Overwatch and Team Fortress are not free to play and you generate money with Skins and heroes’ free time (if it is not free) during the Season Passes.

When playing games, the Concord can compete with many Hero-Shooter and two identical games, which do not cost, but it is the best choice. By the Sony-Shooter there was often criticism of the gameplay if you took long and long. Overwatch macht das deutlich better.

Community! Which Community?

Concord’s biggest problem is that it will take a long time before the release is eingeschlichen. It’s clear that the game plays a live service game with 5v5 camps, which makes the title appear at most times. The Steam reviews have been relatively positive, but the interesting interests are characterized by allen Ecken enden.

I am a newbie to the new Sony game for the knitting Masse absolut vorbei. There are smart alternatives and a good shooter in the highest time, an additional expense or a fight to win your machine.

Positive is that there are many people who play the most inhalation with the game play for the game. It can also be nervous with characters or skins and when playing Battle-Pass. Check out a free-to-play model with more live-service elements on the right view.

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Lots of interest, gameplay and playful platforms as competitors – it seems Sony can either flop or not keep playing or you can see the Reißleine-ziehen and Concord disappear in the ever-growing Schlucht-flopped games? Falls in Concord will play from August 23 on Steam and on the PS5.