
Vorwurf der Gewaltigung: Deutsche nach einen Jahr U-Haft auf Mallorca auf freiem Fuß

Vorwurf der Gewaltigung: Deutsche nach einen Jahr U-Haft auf Mallorca auf freiem Fuß

History of the processing
Deutsche nach einen Jahr U-Haft auf Mallorca auf freiem Fuß

Before a year the Spanish police more German young men on Mallorca fest. The Gruppe has had an 18-year existence. Now is the man from NRW from the U-Haft entlassen. The Ermittlungen continue.

Four young years in Germany, a group of advanced students, more than a year later in Mallorca is a great opportunity to weld freely. Das verlautete aus sicherer Quelle in Palma. Weitere Details und Gründe für die Freilassung wurden zunächst nicht.

The tourists are found guilty, a woman who left Germany 18 years ago, who knows one of the ballermanns on the beach, has sworn or toiled in the hotel to have had the chance to commit suicide. After the police have seen one of the broadcasts on July 2023, this is useful to film.

The last years of 21 to 23 years are the men, the ways of the group dispersal on Mallorca in U-Haft, stems of the Märkische Kreis in Sauerland in NRW. The sister State Attorney Hagen continues with the fun, however it may be.

A war of the German Friends Group has been freed after short time. There are many things you can do, but it is not one of the most common problems you can expect, this is a problem. Laut “Mallorca Zeitung” war a sixth accuser in September gets a warning in the amount of 10,000 Euro again a free foot got.

The freedom of all the suspects is now not the case, but the fate of the victims is laid down. The Ermittlungen were reinforced after the previous information. The Defendant Drohen in Spain at a Verurteilung Freiheitsstrafen von bis zu zölf Jahren.