
Landtagswahl: Wie Sachsen seinen Mittelstand better unterstützen kann

Landtagswahl: Wie Sachsen seinen Mittelstand better unterstützen kann

Landtagswahl: Wie Sachsen seinen Mittelstand better unterstützen kann

The large size of the underworld in Saxony is small and in the continuous catalog and the landregierung-dick. Follow the Wunschliste steht Bürokratieabbau.

The companies want a bit of everything, a less bureaucratic and efficient administration. Photo: dpa

The companies want a bit of everything, a less bureaucratic and efficient administration. Photo: dpa
© dpa-Zentralbild

So if you do not do it anymore, it is worth using the TSMC settlement in Dresden for a year in business and in the discussion circles to increase the power of the Wirtschaftsverbände. The height of the subsidy and the commotion of a own beauty for the big economies will be rewarded, the land government kümmere now a part of the “big” and a little beauty for the middle class, of the 90 percent of the successful Wirtschaft. Braucht is confused? Or was there talk of a mittelständische unternehmer and unternehmerinnen-tatsächlich von der künftigen Landesregierung? Sä has at Wirtschaftskammern und -Vereinigungen nachgefragt.

On the Frage: “Braucht Sachsen in de nouvelle Landesregierung van de nouvelle Posten eines Mittelstandsbeauftragten?” gab es bei all Befragten eine mal mehr, mal weniger klare Antwort: Nein. “Wir brauchen nicht immer neue Posten für Dinge, die selbstverständlich sein sollten”, he is with the Vereinigung der Sächsischen Wirtschaft (VSW). Since it is true that sales have become effective, it has not been more than a year since the company occupancy has shrunk over the years and that in the years that the year has started, it is erklärt from the Arbeitgeberverband.

Ähnlich ist der Tenor at Unternehmerverband Sachsen. “It is a matter of Kümmerposten, op de entire Kommunikatie van de small und medium-sized Unternehmen abschieben, ausnahmslos alle müssen in de Verantwortung”, by Verbandspresident Dietrich Enk und meint damit Verwaltungsmitarbeiter, Beamte und Politiker.

“Mittelstandsförderung – im sinne der Setzung optimer Rahmenbedingungen für die eigenständige Entwicklung und Stärkung mittelständischer Unternehmen – ist Kernaufgabe des SMWA, aber derzeit leader nicht dessen Kernkompetenz”, you will find from Dirk Schröter, Landesvorsitzender of the Wirtschaftsrates Sachsen. If you remove the brauche, there is no new Beauftragten. A civil company and one of the hereditary maß-beschränkter states can wesentlich more zur wirtschaftlichen dynamic beitragen, so Schröter. The Geschäftsführer der Mibrag GmbH comes from one of the middle-class Unternehmer family, which has been in the electrical trade for 70 years.

Dagegen hat man bei der Industrie- und Handelskammer Dresden (IHK) a different Blick and other Selbstverständnis. “Wir stimmen as IHK nicht in diesen Chor”, says Lars Fiehler, Geschäftsführer für Standortpolitik and Kommunikation. There is no question of “schlicht en ergvreifend”, the Wirtschaftsministerium, Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen or the Saxon Aufbaubank of the Belange des Mittelstands nicht on his Prioritätenliste hätten, “in Gegenteil”, so Fiehler. An idiosyncrasy is that the IHKs work by hand as “Mittelstandsbeauftragte” for their Mitgliedsfirms. “And I think that a stellvertretend for our partner chambers in Chemnitz and Leipzig speaks out about their work, a job that is as good as it is not,” said Fiehler.

Was national policy possible for the middle class?

In the Frage the national police was made explicit when it could make the Mittelstand in Saxony clear, when the Meinungen and Interestes were used. Dietrich Enk vom Unternehmerverband Sachsen fordert “Subventionszusagen müssen auf more Schultern communications were” and heavy on the Landräten, Kommunen and Bestandsunternehmen. In fact, there are more restaurants in Leipzig and the average gastronomy as “Großgastronom” or “Gastro-König” title, it is extraordinarily, “that for the poor gastronomy and hotel industry in Saxony it is quickly removed.” That is a Federal theme, with the new land management in Eastern Europe, printing machines and equipment must be supplied, so Enk.

For the VSW has given priority to the establishment and expansion of the business infrastructure. Because the government organization in the Bundes- and EU-Ebene keeps an eye on the country police, if it only supervises, the consequences of a higher Ebene money – common is the soft Gamification Act. Statt in the safe flight is a few million dollars to “burn”, a part of the free land money in hand and the Chemnitz-Leipzig-zweigleising railway line auszubauen. “May the Leipzig/Halle Airport as an international freight cross still signal von Bedeutung, so give the continued operation of the Dresden Airport no economic arguments”, he is for VSW.

It is a fact that the Wirtschaftsvertreter works at the Points Energy, Education and Public Service. The energy supply must be expanded and supplied with the energy grid current (electricity, gas, heating and water), because the price can no longer be carried out. Swamps in the education system as the teaching deficiency and the educational failure should be further initiated. And the smart country government is the digitalization of the Verwaltung that works in Angriff Nehmen, a new development in the new Stellen in the Ministry, a way and a number of financial institutions that you must purchase. If it is light, leave it on the middle position.