
Internationale Verdi Stiftung sucht Raum für Nachlass

Internationale Verdi Stiftung sucht Raum für Nachlass

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Internationale Verdi Stiftung sucht Raum für Nachlass
About 50 years ago Frank van Strijthagen Giuseppe Verdi. 2007 gründete is the “International Giuseppe Verdi Foundation2”, who died in Sitz with Planegg hat. © Dagmar Rutt

The „Internationale Giuseppe Verdi Stiftung“ has such a precious value with some fantastic gifts – an eleven original briefing of the components and facsimiles are comparable to those of the company. Am Stiftungssitz in Planegg is a Lagerwie Präsentationsmöglichkeiten. Eile is geboten.

At the end of September, Frank van Strijthagen nor Zeit bleibt. Dann muss der Vorsitzende der “Internationalen Giuseppe Verdi Stiftung” und Nachlass Ralph Ottens uit de Niederlanden abholen. The emeritus professor at Eindhoven University, a Verdi Verehrer and Connoisseur, war 2016 was killed by an accident in Georgien. Who, with the joint foundation now all these years, was the Mann in the years über and of the Italian Composers erworben and gesammelt hatte. 65 Maps, which appeared on the completes from 1842 to 1902, appeared in Gazzetta Musicale di Milano, zahlreiche Zeitungsartikelen and 1400 Bücher enthalten, were transported to the Netherlands from Eindhoven in the Würmtal. “I have a problem: I have no place,” says van Strijthagen.

The Niederländer have lived in Gräfelfing since 2004. 2007 gründete der heute 71-Jährige die Stiftung, damals alldings in seinem Heimatland. Then the Stiftungskapital is not Voraussetzung. “Man cultivates a good state and a soul,” says van Strijthagen. Zum Vorstand gehört neben Strijthagen nor Professor Florian Mehltretter, Leiter des Instituts für Italian Philologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

If most are aware of the foundation, Verdis will be “a concern for generations and free to use machines”, which are stored on the website. Zu Hause is located in Planegger Georgenstraße 6, in the basement of the Praxis for all-round medicine by Angelika van Strijthagen-Schätz, the Frau des Vorsitzenden.

„Aida“-Besuch als Erweckungserlebnis

The Regale is a book with Verdi, and the Walls hang on Konterfei. Frank van Strijthagen, the self-composer, loves Verdi, is now 15. If you are happy with the house in Maastricht in the Oper, it is good for all general information. Gegeben wurde „Aida“, 1871 in Cairo uraufgeführt. “Wunderschön”, says van Strijthagen. It’s a problem. When some crazy things happen, the time of the generation is one of the biographies that differ from the lessons. And we are more than happy with Verdi. “There is no more war for a composer who is a Wohltäter.”

Verdi build a small hospital in Villanova, ließ in Mailand die Casa di Riposo per Musicisti errichten, a Altenheim für Musiker, das heute noch in Betrieb ist, unterstützte notleiderde Künstler and vermachte nach seinem Tod – there started on 27. January 1901 and den Folgen eines Schlaganfalls – een grand seines Vermögens dem Ruhehaus für Musiker. It is, Verdi habe auf die Frage nach seinem seiner Meinung nach best Werk replied: „Das Altenheim in Mailand.“

Van Strijthagen always remained connected to Verdi, who worked as a conductor in Brussels and also worked as a conductor in Lüttich and Düsseldorf. In all the years that the Liebe zu Verdi has been in the “Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani”, Anfang der 60er-Jahre in Parma, “a two-way home” has been present. „I was very much alive.“ In 2005/06 from the financial world of Schließung, comb van Strijthagen nach een morestündigen Gespräch with dessen Leiter die Idee, an international, moreprachige Foundation zu gründen and das Institut zu integrierieren.

Briefwechsel in Deutsche übersetzt

Dazu has not come, but not even a thing, was van Strijthagen bedauert. There is an end to the fight against the treatise and the fact that the villas of the Komponisten in the northern Sant’Agata on Piacenza are connected, in one of the found manuscript archives. At the end of 2023, the Italian Kultusministerium went to an ​​Enteignungsverfahren a, a versteigerung zu verhindern. This is a Vorkaufsrecht, so of Strijthagen.

Zurzeit such van Strijthagen intensively after an ort, and these 65 Umzugskartons accommodate. A visit was made to the Gräfelfinger Rathaus, in Planegg. Ultimately, there are 20 boxes in Planegger Gemeindearchiv abstellen, messageet there. But above all it was true, there was a space, “the people could be brought together, they would benefit from that gathering,” said van Strijthagen.

Platz ist nicht das Enzige, was de Stiftung benötigt. In the work of Strijthagen and their employees in an italian-deutschen collection of correspondence, the results of their lives are 30,000 brief stories soll. „That is not a bisher niece.“ Der Briefwechsel mit eight Personen – Librettisten, Freunde und Verleger Giulio Ricordi – sei inzwischen fertig. Dazu zählen auch die 406 Briefe, de Verdi with Arrigo Boito, an Italian writer, Librettists and Composers, austauschte. Für van Strijthagen “one of the three most important correspondents of musical history”.

„That is a book with 800 and more days.“ It was a pleasure to have a teacher, but also a more modest introduction to a profession. Take a look at the review. “Sonst zijn die Bücher unbezahlbar”, says van Strijthagen. „These briefs are also important for life, such as work. The man who knows the Composers has acquired neither knowledge nor knowledge.” A publication has generated interesting interests.

You can reach the “Internationale Giuseppe Verdi Stiftung” by e-mail at [email protected] or under Telefon (089) 89 87 88 96 beziehungsweise 0160/04 17 74 33.