
Police erschießt mutmaßlichen Angreifer in Recklinghausen

Police erschießt mutmaßlichen Angreifer in Recklinghausen

A mutmaßlicher Messerangreifer was hit during a Schusswaffeneinsatz of the Police in Recklinghausen. There are well-known peripheral cases in the middle of a 33-year-old Mann in a Mehrfamilienhaus, with the police in Dortmund and the Bochumer Staatsanwaltschaft Mitteilten. »Laut Zeugenangaben führte is here as well as a Messer bei.«

If the alarm signals are activated, make sure that a dire situation arises for the einsatzkräfte. »Information about a Schusswaffengebouch are the 33-Jährigen.« It has become a large amount of injuries.

A spokesperson for the police in Dortmund said that who fell to the police officers at the Einsatz for Ort and who were in charge of the Waffe Gebrauch, could not be said to be a man or a niece. The Kripo in Dortmund is located in the Neutralitätsgründen of the Ermittlungen.

Schon am Dienstag hatten Polizeischüsse een tödliche Folge

First of all, we were on duty with a messaging service that would have been very helpful in Moers in the Lower Rhine during our life. The Staatssanwaltschaft Kleve war of 26 years already German psychological support and subsequent military support with two messages in the hands of the police officers. Daraufhin has cleared the Polizists and hit the Mann man. Because there were more non-courses, while the Mann seized more Passers-by and sleeps, that is so.

The new Vorfall nun in Recklinghausen began her life after the Islamic Islamist Anschlag with three Toten in Solingen. You can get a scary feeling at a city festival that people with a Messer get and eight times verlet. Mutmaßlicher Täter is a 26-year-old syrer, who sits in the lower seat.

NRW Internal Affairs Minister will move quickly

Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul (CDU) has drawn up a Zehn-Punkte-Sofort program in Düsseldorf, with the Messergewalt endämmen. A new low-level image is currently in use during the open space in NRW after 43 days since 3,540 fall.

Fast time for the development of the plans of the police in Recklinghausen tomorrow, a 49-year full festival. There are a number of family homes that 53 years ago a man left and had a Messer single-family home. These can no longer be safe. Das Opfer came by Rettungswagen in a Krankenhaus.

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