
Knossi and Mathias Mester wanted Para-Athletes fell Erfolg

Knossi and Mathias Mester wanted Para-Athletes fell Erfolg

Tolle Aktion by Mathias Mester

In rührendem video! Knossi and Co. wish German Para-Stars fell Erfolg

Jens "Knossi" Knossalla, Streamer, is in the dispatch center of private Fernsehsenders RTL Deutschland. Knossi and Swarovski became the active Staffel-Das Supertalent" to modernize.

Jens Knossalla “Knossi” .

Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa/Archivbild


The long war that ended the Mittwochabend (28. August) was that the Paralympic Games started with a spectacle show in Paris. A great action that started on ex-Let’s Dance-Star and para-athlete Mathias, is conceived!

On Instagram, the ehemalige Para-Speerwerfer is one of the best videos! Zunächst wünscht er Kugelstoßer Niko Kappel (29) fell Erfolg, erklärt: “The Paralympic Games. The game of games! Team Deutschland ich drücke euch ganz, ganz-pop die Daumen. Bring more medals with you.” Then the appeal is one of the options that plays the game, such as “People will inspire”, then with their satisfaction: “I am happy with each other and with each other”.

Im Video: Kathrin Marchand will Para-Medaille